Stolen inventory; School Trip

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"Sir, more inventory appears to be missing." Friday's voice cut through the music in Tony's lab and announced to the already annoyed multi-billionaire.

"What now?" Tony asked through gritted teeth and he clenched his fists. How does this person keep getting through undetected?

"A list has been sent to the holoscreen." Tony sighed and walked over to his desk with the screen. His eyebrows furrowed and he read down the list.

"More Nylon…" Tony trailed off as he continued to read and stood straight. "Friday, run a scan of all the items on this list and narrow down the combination of ingredients. Give me results on what the thief may be planning with them." Tony ordered and clenched his fist. 

Someone has been stealing from Stark Industries for a few months and somehow, this thief has been able to bypass all security. They've been stealing an assortment of tech and Tony has been getting more and more aggravated as more was stolen. He tried to trace the tech, but the thief found a way to make it impossible to get an exact location. 

%%%%%%%%%% Scene Change Brought To You By Iron Man Being Outsmarted %%%%%%%%

A debate team was seen excitedly chattering with each other on a school bus and making their way to their designated field trip. As they arrived, a young curly brown haired teen was shoved off the bus by a tall tan jock with blonde hair and the teen tripped over his feet in an attempt to save himself, barely keeping his balance. He turned to the jock and kinda glared.

"Awe, is puny parker still learning to walk?" Flash laughed and pushed past Peter. The aforementioned teen grumbled and fixed his bookbag, freezing as soon as he saw the building he was taking a field trip to.

"Dude, are you okay-" Ned cut off as he also saw the building in front of him and Peter was the first to snap out of his stupor.

"Did you know we were coming here today?!" Peter asked, masking his nerves with excitement and Ned snapped back to reality.

"Dude!! This is going to be great! Maybe we'll meet Tony Stark!" Ned babbled on while Peter just wanted to be swallowed up whole; never to be seen or heard by anyone. This can't be happening.

"Yea. This is gonna be great." Peter sighed and they entered the building. Everyone waited in the lounge as Mr. Dell went up to the desk and exchanged words with the secretary. Soon the teacher and a new face showed up with a smile.

"Everyone, this is Mr. Caruso. He's going to be showing us around the tower today. Please be courteous and pay attention to what is being discussed. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and we were lucky to win this trip, thanks to Mr. Parker." Some of the debate team clapped, while Flash sneered.

"Okay, so. Welcome everyone to Stark Industries. As you know, my name is Caruso. Now, a few rules and information to go over before we get started. As for the rules, you may not touch anything unless instructed to, bullying is not tolerated and do not wander off by yourself. 

To assure you don't go anywhere off limits, I will be passing out these badges to everyone. This is a level one access pass that will give temporary access to everywhere we are allowed today. However, you can not access any other doors unless you have someone of level 5 or higher with you. If you lose this badge, our security will unfortunately have you leave the building and wait on the bus for the others and teacher. On this trip, we will also be having some fun with inventing later on in the labs. Now, any questions?" Caruso asked and hands went up in an instant. "Um, you in the red shirt."

"What are the different badges?" Abraham asked and Dan smiled.

"Good question. Our badges go one to ten. Level one is a visiting pass given out for tours and Press conferences. Level two is for anyone working in the lobby. Level three is for anyone working on the second floor of the building. Level four is used by people working on the second and third floor. Level five is for interns and tour guides, such as myself. During tours, the tour guides have a clearance level of seven, that way we can bring you to higher levels of the building. Level six badges are for anyone who works in lower level labs. Level seven is where all our tech is produced and checked for any errors in our systems. Level eight is for any of the Avengers who don't stay here and come to visit; such as Ant man or any of the Avengers family. Level nine is for the Avengers who live here and they have access to any of the floors, as long as they don't ruin anything. Level ten is only for two people, and that is Tony Stark himself and Pepper Potts. Any other questions?"

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