A Watch...

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It was time for Peter to go home again, but this time there wasn't anything to keep him at school longer. He tried to stall as much as he could when he was walking, but living not too far from the school sucked. Since Decathlon ended in December, he couldn't use that as an excuse to stay after school and there wasn't any other clubs he could join. He walked right past the subway and continued on his way, deciding to take the long way. He kept his hands buried in his pockets and crossed his fingers that his aunt wouldn't be home when he got there. He was still healing from the beatings he got yesterday and the day before.

It had been about two months since his suit had been burned by May and since then his aunt had been beating him seemingly everyday. The days she didn't beat him would be when she went out and was gone for two or three days. While Peter was happy he got alone time to heal, he was also forced to find his own food or starve. Most nights, he would settle for whatever food he managed to steal at lunch and even then, it was barely enough to sedate a little of his hunger.

Ned and MJ were extremely worried for their obviously drained friend and couldn't exactly figure out what was wrong. Ned tried to show up at Peter's house, but May told him Peter was grounded and wasn't allowed to have friends. Each teen tried to talk to their friend, however Peter slowly cut them off and stayed more to himself. Even Flash lessened his beatings when he noticed that Peter wasn't acting himself, which was surprising to everyone and Peter was wondering if everyone just saw himself as a helpless emo who was broken.

When Peter arrived at his apartment building, he slowly walked up the steps and turned the doorknob quietly, not knowing what to expect on the other side. He sighed in relief when there was no sign of his aunt and walked to his room, closing the door behind him. He sat on his bed and did his homework till it was dark.

After he was done, he looked outside and sighed. He wanted so desperately to swing in the air and to forget the world, but he couldn't without his suit. He knew he had his back up web shooters, but he couldn't risk being seen without something on him and lay back on his bed. He looked to his closet and stood up, walking slowly over to it. He was in pain from head to toe and had a hard time moving now that he had time to relax. The pain was worse than he ever felt and all he wanted to do was cry, except he wouldn't let the tears fall.

"Hopefully she didn't get to it.." Peter whispered as he carefully opened the door and smiled at the suit hanging high above, attached to the ceiling by one of his webs. He climbed the wall inside and grabbed the suit, wincing in pain with each movement.

After putting the old suit on, he swung out of the window and went to the building he always went whenever he did go outside. As he perched on the building overlooking the Stark Tower, snow fell softly adding onto the 4 inches that already fell at the end of winter. It was the beginning of February and the snow was coming down more than it was in the beginning and middle.

As he looked through the windows, he could barely make out the figure of Tony Stark in his lab working on some type of invention; no doubt his suit. He sat down on the building, not having the strength to do much else and watched the snow fall down over the city. The cold made him shiver as it came through his 'onesie' as Ned once referred to it as and his eyes began to get heavy. He knew he should probably get home, but he was in too much pain to even lift his arm and fell back on the hard concrete of the roof. His eyes got heavier and heavier until they finally closed. For the first time in months, Peter was in a peaceful sleep and had no worry for when he woke up.

Sorry Mr. Stark.. For not listening.. to you..

₩₩₩₩ Scene Change Because Peter Might Freeze To Death If It Stayed On Him All Night ₩₩₩₩

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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