I'm Just Tired of Being Lonely..

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"Broken? What do you mean by 'broken'?" Tony questioned with raised eyebrows and Peter looked down.

"Well, I had it ready this morning and was showing Ned-"


"My best friend. Anyway, as I was showing Ned the clock, one of my classmates bumped into me and it slipped, breaking on the ground." Peter explained as he opened his bag and gently dumped it all on the table. Tony raised an eyebrow and inspected the damage. "I-I didn't have the time to fix it-"

"You know how to fix this?" Tony cut Peter off with a raised eyebrow and the teen looked off shyly.

"Yea.. I kinda built that actually.." He trailed off and the biliionaire smirked.

"All right kid, how about I order pizza and we can rebuild your clock?" Peter's eyes widened and Tony's smirk got bigger.

"Really Mr. Stark? Are you serious?" Peter asked and the billionaire chuckled, nodding. 

"Yea, why not?" Tony shrugged and looked to the ceiling. "Fri, music." Tony mentioned and music blared out of the speakers.

"I love Led Zeppelin!" An uncultured spider exclaimed as ACDC played over the speakers and Tony shook his head in amusement. 

¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Time Skip Brought To You By Tony Forgetting About A Thief ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥

"No, Mr. Stark! That doesn't go there!" Peter shouted as the billionaire went to put a piece in the wrong place and Tony narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean this doesn't go here, kid? I created my high tech suits, I think I would-"

"It actually goes here." Peter spoke placing the piece in the correct place and the two stepped back. Usually, Tony would hate people who cut him off, but instead he was shocked. He was actually wrong for once? Not that he would admit, especially not to the kid before him..

"Okay kid, it's fixed. What now?" Tony asked and Peter smiled, looking from Tony to the clock.

"Ava, what is the time?" Peter asked and the clock lit up.

"It is currently 8pm on a Friday night." The artificial voice sounded and Tony's eyebrows raised in surprise. Now, I know what you're thinking; why is Tony Stark surprised by the clock with an AI if he just helped Peter fix it? 

Well, they only needed to repair it. The teen had already done everything else and Tony mainly stood there as Peter worked on the clock. When the food came, the billionaire ate while the spider worked and he half expected it not to work. Since Peter did almost all the work, Tony could only see certain parts of the clock, excluding the tech with the AI. 

"Anything else I can do for you, Peter?" The AI asked and he smiled shyly, looking at Tony's reaction.

"Kid, how did you know how to build this?" Tony asked the teen and Peter shrugged.

"My aunt said I get it from my parents. It just comes naturally, I guess." Peter answered unsure and Tony nodded.

"Well, kid. It's pretty impressive what you've done here. Does your aunt know you're here?" Peter sighed and looked down.

"She doesn't. It doesn't matter though, she's at work all the time. Half the time, I'm pretty much alone." Peter explained and Tony frowned. He reminds me of myself, the billionaire thought to himself.

"How about you stay here tonight? We could work on some more projects." Tony offered and the teen's eyes widened.

"B-but Mr. Stark, are you sure?" Peter questioned and Tony raised an eyebrow.

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