The Dad Act Suits You..

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Peter was sitting on a building across the city from his apartment and had his mask in his hand. He didn't mean to go off on his aunt, but his anger got the best of him and he couldn't bite his tongue. However, he didn't feel the need to apologize and wouldn't. 

He didn't feel like he was in the wrong and was still angry with his Aunt. May had been keeping the secret boyfriend for a few months and Peter only found out while he was on patrol. 

%%%% Flashback Brought To You By The Shocking News Of May's Secret Boyfriend %%%%

Peter was out patrolling, swinging building to building and enjoying the air on his face. He had taken his mask off to feel the breeze as he swung and the wind blew through his hair. He looked down at the windows of the buildings he was swinging to and from looking at all the people in restaurants and stores. 

A familiar looking brunette caught Peter's eyes and he nearly crashed into the brick side of a building. He quickly gripped onto the building and swung back to the previous building he had just come from. He pulled his mask on and stared at the window where a male and familiar female sat. 

"Karen, zoom in." Peter spoke and his view got closer. He frowned and had to do a double take to make sure he wasn't just seeing stuff. "May.." 

"Would you like me to turn on the audio frequency so you can hear the conversation, Peter?" Karen asked and Peter sighed. He wasn't sure if he even wanted to hear what they were saying, fearing he already knew and came to a quick decision. 

"Yes." Peter answered and soon, the voice of Aunt May and the Male came through the speaker.

"May, you look amazing in that dress." The unknown male said with a smile and May giggled.

"Oh Charles, this thing is so old." May blushed and 'Charles' grabbed her hand, smiling softly at her, causing Peter to frown further.

"It looks perfect on you, almost as gorgeous as you." Charles replied and May smiled softly. The waiter walked over and the two picked up the menus, listing off what they wanted. It was a really fancy restaurant and everything looked professional, even the waiters talk professionally. Peter couldn't help, but to wonder how May could afford this and continued to watch as they held hands again.

"Thank you for this, Charles." 

"My pleasure. Happy 6 month anniversary, May." Peter left as he saw them begin to kiss and swung home. He sat on his bed, pulling his mask off and began to panic. 

"May has a.. No, she couldn't.. I can't believe she's already over Uncle Ben.. How-How could she?" Peter spoke aloud and everything started spinning. His senses couldn't take the stress and anguish, causing him to pass out on his bedroom floor.

◇◇◇◇ End Flashback Cause I'm Not Very Creative ◇◇◇◇ 

The sound of thrusters came from behind Peter and he stayed still. The suit landed and it sounded like Tony stepped out of the suit. Footsteps started to get closer and Peter tried his best to keep his tears under control. He jumped when a hand touched his shoulder and he looked up to the billionaire.

"Kid, what happened?" Tony asked concerned and Peter shook his head, looking back at the city. The billionaire sighed and sat next to his intern.

"Nothing Mr. Stark, just needed some air." Peter responded, glad that his voice didn't betray him and Tony shook his head.

“You know, you are the worst liar I’ve ever met.” Tony frowned when Peter didn’t even spare a glance at the billionaire and he sighed. “C’mon Pete, what happened?” Tony questioned and Peter stayed silent, but Tony could see his slight shudder in the dull lights of the city. 

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