Chapter 2

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"JJ what the fuck??" Laney gawked at JJ who pulled out a gun and a stack of cash. After Laney and her best friends Kiara, JJ, John B, and Pope came across a ship wreck in the marsh they were deep into the investigation after raiding the motel room they were led to. 

"Dude, what the hell? Why would you take that from a crime scene?" Pope stated in a panic, clearly thinking about his scholarship. 

"Better than the cops having it," JJ defended himself. 

"I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship!" Pope started freaking out, putting his hands on his head and turning to pace in a small circle on the boat as we kept cruising through the marsh. 


Back at the marina we piled out of the HMS and walked onto the docks. Though it was like chaos  erupted this same marina hours before when we tried to report the boat wreck, now it was overcome with an eerie feeling and alarming silence. Other than the voice of Lana Grubbs, whose shrieks echoes off the wooden dock as her mouth gaped at what looks like a body.

"Who's that?" John B asks a blond girl who was a couple years younger than us. Pope sits on her left while Kie and John B sit on her right, while JJ and I stand next to them.  

"It's Scooter Grubbs, he was out during the storm. Check it out," she says while flashing her phone our way, "Dead bodayyy."

They all marvel over the phone but I turn into JJ's chest and put my hand on his bicep to hide my face. He puts his hand in the small of my back but still gapes over the phone letting out a "Holy shit."

"What kind of boat did he have?" John B asks curiously.

"Somehow, that dirtbag copped a brand new Grady white. Everyone's out there looking for it," suddenly the whole vibe changes. Eye contact circling around the pogues, not knowing what to think. 

Back at the chateau nobody knows what's going on. 

"So uhh we didn't see anything," JJ starts the conversation. 

"We don't know anything. We need to have complete and total amnesia," Pope huffs. 

"Deny, deny, deny," JJ went on.

"Guys we can't keep that money, we have to pass it off to Lana Grubbs," Kie chimes in.

"Ok, not all of us can afford unlimited data plans Kiara," JJ says in a snippy tone of voice.

"It's not about the money Jayj its the matter of the fact, it's bad karma," Laney said to him.

"Yeah notice how the two rich kids are the only one saying that. . ." JJ snips. 

"Bad karma to be implicated in a felony too," Pope says shedding light and reason into the conversation. 

There was a little more back and forth which ended with JJ keeping then money (shocker) until the conversation moved onto the dock.  JJ just couldn't help himself but to keep talking about the murder mystery.

"just think about it. . . this is Scooter Grubs we're talking about. Same dude that's buying individual cigarette's at the porthole. Shit one time I saw this dude begging for change in a save a lot parking lot because he needed gas," JJ went on a tangent. "We're talking about a dirt bag marina rat, who's never had more than forty bucks in his pocket, and all of the sudden he's got a Grady - white? Just sayin."

"All right, so think about it, Pope. How does a marina rat get a Grady-White?" John B asked Pope. 

"Prostitution. . .?" Pope plays along. 

"Square groupers bro," JJ inserts himself again not being able to help himself. Laney and Kie look at each other and roll their eyes. They go on with their theory a little longer but the girls just chuckle through it. 

"They were straight smugglin' and I guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband in that wreck," JJ says while he hooks a fish. 

"All we need to do is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck. Until then, we just lay low. Just act normal.," JJ adds in.

"Right. And how exactly do we do that?" Pope questions. 

"Kegger?" Kie asked and we all begin to smile. 

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