Chapter 4

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The sun hadn't even set yet and I had already lost count of which beer I was on. I hated beer, it was usually the last thing I'd reach for. It tastes like diluted warm pee, makes you bloated, and doesn't get you as drunk as liquor. 

My personal favorite is tequila or vodka. Straight from the bottle, mixed with crystal light, or gatorade, or Diet Coke. I don't really care I just want to get wasted. 

I don't know why I felt so much joy in getting hammered, but I loved it. I loved partying, I loved drinking or smoking away my brain, I loved losing feeling in my toes, and making bad choices. I was a pretty free spirit, I lived to have fun but I still had an anxious voice always chirping in the back of my mind. Once I had a taste of liquid courage that voice went away. 

But tonight was a kegger making my only option beer, which meant I needed to drink up to get to the level of intoxication I would like to be at. If there was more time I would've stopped at home and stolen a bottle of my parents expensive tequila. But the sun was setting before we knew it so we had no time to waste in getting the kegs and heading to the boneyard. 

I was doing pretty good though. I could feel my balance slowly disorienting and a smile plastered on my face. 

I was standing with my my friends, all of them surrounding me. I was standing on a fallen tree branch with my red solo cup in my left hand and my right hand in JJ's as he helped me keep my balance. The music and chatter of teens exciting for summer radiated through my ears and I couldn't help but look out across the bone yard at everyone and smile. 

Though I lost my balance and squealed preparing to fall off the branch. JJ moved his hand from mine and instead wrapped it around my waist. In return I took my hands and wrapped them around the back of his neck. He lifted me up and picked me up off the branch. 

When my feet reached the ground I removed my left arm with my solo cup from around him and instead held onto him around his neck with just my right. Feeling the affects of the alcohol fully now and losing my footing, needing to hold onto him for balance. 

Looking up at him after removing the cup from behind his head I see a few strips of his hair are wet. I hook my arm around his neck further so I can reach my hand up to touch the wet strands of hair. 

"Oh no, I got beer in your hair," I say giggling a little bit, though I'm not sure why. I keep my fingers running through his hair. 

JJ looks down at me, his arm still snaked behind my back holding me up while I lean into him. 

"I don't mind," he says never looking away from my eyes. I fight my smile by biting into my bottom lip and getting lost in his icy blue eyes and loving the feeling of male gaze. I know I said I needed to catch a dick but JJ's? 

Suddenly my eyes were peeling away from his as Kie's voice caught my attention. 

"What is she doing here?" Kie said hatefully, now standing on the fallen branch I just had with one of her arms on John B's shoulder for balance. 

I kept my arm wrapped around JJ but my head turned to see who Kie was talking about. 

Sarah Cameron, the kook princess was stood on top of an unstable buoy while her boyfriend Topper followed after her like a dog. I liked Sarah, a lot really. We were really close for a while there. She was really welcoming and easy to talk to, I really loved spending time with her. Which became a big problem with Kie. 

I always tried really hard to get them to talk and reconcile their differences but Kie had no interest. I haven't talked to Sarah in three months though, after everything happened. 

Topper was ok. I wasn't a huge fan of him, honestly I thought he lacked personality but he was always nice to me so I can't complain. He loved terrorizing the pouges before me and my ex got together but he stopped. I was just waiting for something to happen now that my relationship was over, I knew Topper would blow his lid any day now. Like it's been building up inside of him for a year and finally going to pop. 

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