Chapter 3

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Laneys POV:

After deciding it was best to give our minds a break with a night filled of alcohol and probably bad decisions we headed to pick up the kegs and then straight to the boneyard. Let me explain the boneyard to you cause it's crucial in understanding how the OBX works.

The boneyard is like a stuffed three layer burrito, at least that's what we referred to it as. 

First you have the tourists. We call them tourons because they're complete and utter morons. They're here for a week or so on vacation, don't know anybody or the kooks and pogues drama. Completely oblivious. Since eighth grade JJ and I had an ongoing contest to see who could make out with more of them. He's got a big lead on me since I was in an almost year long relationship, but now it's summer, we're broken up, and I need to catch a dick. 

Then you have the kooks. They claim to hate the pogues but still make the trek to the boneyard to come to our parties, odd right? They're kooks there's not much to say. I used to be friends with a lot of them but I barely talk to them anymore. I can still tolerate a good handful of them but for the most part they're insufferable. They either treat me like shit because they're friends with my ex (or just want to be friends with him. Or sleep with him...) or they still try and kiss my ass cause they're obsessed with me. I don't get it. The whole feud is just ridiculous in my opinion and I know tensions are going to be high tonight. 

Then saving the best for last of course we have the pouge's. This is us, the working class, surfing, partying, free spirited people of the island. This would be a good time to introduce you to my crew. 

First we have John B. My neighbor till I was ten and moved to figure eight. I've known him basically my entire life, we spent every second of every day together growing up. Playing in the back yard, boating through the marsh, he taught me how to fish and millions of other things big brother's teach their sisters. That was John B, he was my big brother, funnily enough I'm actually a couple days older than him but that didn't matter. He was always bigger than me and protective. That never changed. To this day he still does everything he can to keep me safe. He's also hilarious and caring, but it's been rough for him since his dad disappeared. It was really strange, one day he was just gone and then a couple months later declared dead. But John B didn't believe it, he still thinks he's coming back, but all I can do is be there for him. Especially now that he's on the run from DCS.

Then there's JJ. Once John B met him in the third grade JJ became apart of the crew. He was at one of our houses escaping his dad literally everyday. JJ taught me how to surf and is always looking for ways to have the most fun in life. He's also always looking out for me, I seriously think he would kill someone for me. One thing about JJ is that he hates the kooks like absolutely hate's them. When I started befriending some of them it took him a lot of getting used to and when I started dating one of them (the worst one of them) it was even harder for him. But eventually he got used to it, telling me he just wanted me to be happy and admitting it was kind of nice not getting beat up all the time. JJ and John B are my longest friends and although John B's like my older brother I can't say the same for JJ. It would just be weird cause we've kissed like once or twice. Once in a game of seven minute's in heaven in eight grade and then again just a couple months before I got into a relationship. We were really high and it kind of just happened. Things got steamy really fast but I cut it off before it went a little too far if you know what I mean. I didn't want things to be weird or anyone to get mad since we kind of have a rule against it, no pouge on pouge macking. I loved JJ, he was my best friend and I would be lost in the world without him, but there were no romantic feelings involved, at least on my end and I don't think so on his either. . . 

Next is Kiara, everyone calls her Kie. She's my best friend, the only person I could talk to about my period or boy stuff. She's a rich kid that's been slumming it with us since I met her. We met my first year on figure eight at the island club, it was like the planets aligned when our parents introduced us we finally got to talking. It felt like my entire life made sense when we got to know each other, I loved my guy friends, they were everything to me. But finding Kiara, a girl who finally understood me and could be my best friend made my life feel complete. From there on out I introduced her to the boys and it was history. We went to the kook academy together, it was honestly such a relief having someone there I was comfortable with. She went a little kook crazy freshmen year and kind of forgot about the guys, it was a big deal at the time but we're all over it now. Although, she absolutely hated the kooks, after her taste of them freshmen year went sour she's been the biggest hater of them since. Kie and I never used to fight, like ever, but since I dated a kook and was friends with a bunch of them we fought about it a lot. I think we're past it now but it was rough for a while, but she's my sister nothing will ever come between us. 

Finally there's Pope. I honestly don't remember when we met Pope or how he came along maybe a year or so after JJ did, but he's just always been around. Pope's like the smartest person I've ever met, I always thought I did good in school but Pope made me look like an idiot. He was a finalist for some super fancy scholarship that would cover his entire education and allow him to become some loaded forensic pathologist. Pope held us together he was the glue to out friend group. He kept us grounded and out of jail. He also had a great family, his dad Heyward owns a seafood and supplies shop and could magically get you anything on the island. Pope made deliveries for him and JJ and I tagged along a lot, it made him some extra money and I just loved being around them, my friends, my best friends, they were my everything. 

And that's my crew, the people I spend all of my time with. The people who at the end of the day truly own my heart and I would do anything for. 

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