Hunter x Enby!Witch!Reader

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You flicked your hair nervously as you stared at yourself through your full body mirror.

You had been practicing a little speech of yours for Goldie, for a while now you had been thinking of coming out to your best friend. Today was his day off and you really wanted to spend time with him as it was rare.

But a thought weighed in the back of your head.

How would he react? Would he think you'd be some sort of weirdo?

Would he become distant?

Would he still like you-

Knock Knock

The sound of knocking startled you. You looked back up at the mirror and noticed your eyes had become watery. Quickly you wiped them away and turned to your bedroom door.

You adjusted you clothing a bit and opened the door, meeting eyes with Hunter. He had his mask off and looked like he had just run a whole mile.

Hunter was trying his best to catch his breath as his body suddenly gave out just a little as he fell a bit onto the door's frame.

"S-sorry. My staff just, isn't working and I didn't wanna be late and all and I ran here and-"

"Calm down dude." You grinned as you tried to offer him help, he of course, denied and stood back up like normal. "Yeah..yea.." he replied as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Alright, so, wanna watch something?" You asked, he nodded and followed you as you two moved to your bedroom carpet where the two off you spent your day binge watching shows.

Hunter wasn't really paying attention, instead, he was more interested in you as you gave your commentary on the show. He found it amusing how you would get so worked up when the protagonists or characters made stupid choices.

"-OHMYTITAN!" Hunter jolted away from you as the magical sphere showed the love interest of the show do something stupid.

"Titan! Geez! That's so cringy and cheesy you do NOT just say that to them!" You announced, the Golden Guard blinked in surprise and chuckled.

"You act like you'd know how to ask someone out better than them."

You paused and froze, blushing at the thought. Crossing your arms you huffed.

"Duh, I would. I'd actually propose with a bouquet of- uh......uh....weird rare cool stuff! Yeah that's right!"

Hunter chuckled "You're such a weird (boy/girl)."

Suddenly you went silent.

The one word that made you question everything was brought up. It just felt weird when you were called that, glancing back at Hunter who seemed to be saying something you just stared as his voice was blocked out by your brain.

'Would now be the time to tell him?'

'Will he accept me?'

'Will he leave me right now if I tell him?'

'Will I still have a chance with...him..' the words pounded through your head.




You gasped as you were shaken by hunter who looked worried as he shook you bu your shoulders.

" alright?"

He questioned as he looked down at your small figure. You slowly nodded as he gave you a smile and awkwardly let go of your shoulders.

You sighed and turned towards him fully.

"Hunter. I need to tell you something."

Hunter nodded and you sighed.

"Hunter...I'm...I'm enby.."

Hunter stared at you for a moment and you rubbed your arm nervously.

"If you don't mind I'd like you to call me by they/them." Letting out another shaky sighed you hugged your knees and took a strand of your hair.

"Look if you..if I bother you with that I under-"

His warm embrace cut you off.

You froze for a few and slowly you wrapped your own hands around him.

Both of you never wanted to let go, but Hunter knew he had to and was the one to break it off.

"Is that why you've been so nervous?"

You nodded and he smiled warmly and tiredly.

"Did you think I'd be upset with you?"

"Well- I uh..yes..."

Rubbing his arm he sighed.

"I'd never be upset with you....and actually.."

Turning to you, you noticed how his face erupted into pure red.

"A-actually..." he mumbled and exhaled deeply.

"Would you be interested in going out..with me..later....please...?"

Your eyes widened and you nodded happily. Hunter looked back at you and smirked, soon after getting tackle hugged by you.

"You're the best!"


Coming Soon: 🎉Edric x Witch!Reader!🎉

Word Count: 683

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