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In the heart of an endless void, there stood a boy, his skin prickling with the Icy touch of darkness he despised. It press around him, a suffocating weight on his chest making it increasingly difficult for him to breath, he can hear his own heart beat, a frantic rhythm that match the panic that slowly rise.

A wave of despair wash over him as he wonder how he end up in this empty void, with nothing but darkness as his company. He look around desperately, trying to find anything in this emptiness.

With trembling hand, he reach out into the darkness, searching for something... Anything for him to hold. But there was nothing, no solid ground, no walls, no light to guide him out from this void of emptiness.

Tears slowly welled up in his eyes as he strunggle to find a way out, he shout loudly into the void, his voices echoed back to him, hollow and empty, he felt utterly alone and abandoned by the world.

"Hello!" He shout loudly as his voices echoed back to him much to his despair, where is he? Where's his brothers? Is cold and queit here and he hate it!

"Abang?!" He shout once again as he look around in panic, his anxiety building up upon not seeing anything beside the darkness.

He pant loudly as he clenching his hand to his clothes, fear consume his mind as he trying his best to stay calm and collected. The last thing he remember is he and his brothers in a mission on a planet in sector H-36Y before his vision suddenly fade into nothingness.

A laughter caught his attention as his eyes widen in horror after realizing who the owner of the laugh he heard was, no no no! Not him! Anyone but him!

He caught a glimpses of someone he wish he will never see again before the figured blend with the darkness, he can't believe his eyes, please someone wake him up! If he's asleep right now please wake him up!

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, his hand trembled uncontrollably as he clutched at his heart as if trying to steading his racing heart.

His eyes darted around the room, wide with fear yet unfocused, as if he can't seem to see what was infront of him, a sense of impending doom hung over him, weighing him down like he was being crush by a heavy rock. For the first time in a long time he felt trap and lost.

He tried to summon his power but it seemed to betray him as it didn't come out as he expected, he started to run around, hoping to see anything beside the void, he can hear his own breath and feel his pounding heart.

He run and run before he stumble on his own feet and fell down to the ground.

"Is anyone there?!" He scream once again and yet again his voice echoed back at him with the same hollowness, another laughter fill his ears as solar quickly stand up and look around him with fear.

Solar tried to push back the rising panic as he desperately trying to cling to some resemblance of control, the darkness and laughter become more and more overwhelming and unbearable, swallowing him whole and leaving him gasping for air. His heart pounded in his chest, his breaths coming in short with some shallow gasps.

"Pathetic" the word suddenly enter his thought as he longing for some comfort, he hug himself tight as he tried to ignore the word that rushing his way.



"They don't want you"

"They hate you"



"Shut up! Shut up! shut up! Shut up!" Solar fearfully held his ears, trying not to hear all the words but they all came in freely.

"We hate you!" The sudden voice of one his brother shock him as he snap his head around, did he hear that right?

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