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This story are requested by Zuzu_Eclipse84

thank you for the request and i am sorry for taking this long to make it TvT

So i make this base of some spoiler i got and my own imagination so its not 100% like the original story, just think this like an alternative story for it :^

I am suck at writing fighting scene and i don't really know kirana personality so yeah i apologize if this chapter are not what you are hoping for TvT

Give you all a warning that they might be a cringe plot, OOC, grammar mistake and more

That's it tho! Enjoy!

Gempa widen in horror seeing the oldest of the septuplet lying down on the hard floor of planet gur'latan as all of them just witness how his power are forcefully taken from him because of their allies sudden betrayal

Shock from the event they just witness, the remaining brothers stare at their suppose allies who hold the very sword that just obtain their oldest's elemental power forcefully.

princess kirana hum softly after feeling the familiar energy from the red object they once have before her gaze look at the unconcious human infront of her, she smile warmly before she swing the sword around her hand and look at them with hatred.

"my my, looks like the power return to it's rightful owner" she said calmly as all of them glare at the soon to be empress before looking at the oldest with worried, she chuckle and process to point at all of them with an emotionless look.

"all of you, shall be arrested and locked up in prison after stealing the voltra power from the royal family" she stated firmly before her soldier stood behind her with their suppose enemy, slowly figuring out that all of this battle is a trap that she set to gain halilintar's power.

"And also, Boboiboy solar bin cahaya shall be executed for killing one of the royal family member" she add much to their horror as both Taufan and blaze stood infront of their youngest protectively.

before they know it, kirana raises his hand as all of the soldier behind her rush toward them, in panic thorn use his vines to wrap around the oldest before he pull him toward gempa who's ready himself to carry him and run away.

They have no choice due to them getting outnumber and the fact that halilintar's pale face and cold body didn't help but send fear to all of them, they need to make sure that he's okay before they come up with a plan and strike back.

"Abang ufan!" Gempa shout with the second oldest nod his head immedietly, understood what they have to do next simply by his shout.

"Combo attack!" Both of them yell with gempa who smack the ground while taufan summon his hurricane toward their now enemy.

"Sandy storm!" The two of them said loudly with their attack merge together which force them to close their eyes shut.

when the enemies can finally open their eyes, they immedietly notice that the elemental brothers just escaped when their eyes been block by the storm, princess kirana grit her teeth before she yell loudly on top of her lung.

"find them!!" her command send all her soldier to rush into all direction with one thing in mind, and that is to capture all seven of them, alive or dead.

Meanwhile on the other side of the planet, we can see our boys hiding quietly in a small cave, solar can be seen panting as he lean toward ice for support, using his solar leap for all of them used alot of his mana which cause him to be extremely tired and drain especially when his energy are low in the first place.

Elemental brothers oneshot storyWhere stories live. Discover now