Cuddling On The Plane

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I grab Brad's hand and lead him to my bedroom, smiling as I open the wooden door.

He throws himself on my bed, and waits for me.

"Don't look; I gotta change into my pajamas." I blush.

"Ugh, I'll think about it." He smirks. "I'll think about it." He repeats.

Facing away from Brad, I pull off my shirt and pants, then undo the clips on my bra.

I reach for my pajamas, which I placed on the top of my dresser, but they weren't there.

Before I could connect the dots, Brad begins to chuckle at me, and I glance at him.

I fold my arms over my boobs, and turn to face him. "Give me my pajamas, Brad."

"You gotta come get them." He laughs, and I start to laugh.

"Brad, I'm serious. Give me them. I need my pajamas."

He shakes his head, and places the pajamas on the other side of him.

I roll my eyes, "All right," I plop in the bed, still facing away from Brad. "I'll just go to sleep like this."

Brad makes an 'mph' sound, but I could still feel him smiling.

I only had underwear on, but the covers almost completely cover me up.

I could feel Brad sink in the bed, then, to my surprise, places his freezing arm over my waist.

Without me even realizing, my back was already leaning against him, and I was smiling.

He buries his face in the crease of my neck, and says, "I love you, Maddie."

I blush, "I love you too, Brad." I turn to face him, and kiss him.

He places both hands on my hips, as we kiss.

I run my fingers through his hair, then place them around his neck.

"Brad," I pull back. "W-we need to stop." I say, out of breath

His eyes flutter open. "Why?"

"J-just because I'm not ready." I say." He nods his head. "I- I understand."

"Goodnight." I say as I kiss him again. "Goodnight, babe." He says.


The morning came faster than I expected.

I'm blinded by the sunlight shining through my window, and the dust floats around the room.

"Brad," I say in a morning voice. "We need to get up."

He moves his hand away from my waist, and sits up. I follow suit and sit up.

Brad kisses my cheek and I throw the covers off of me, and stand up.

"Um, Maddie," Brad says. "You're not wearing anything but your underwear."

I blush from embarrassment and rush to my drawers, and pull out my daily clothes.

After I fully dress into a plane ride outfit, which is leggings and a green crop top, I slip on my flip flops.

I apply two coats of mascara, nude lipgloss, and eyeliner on my lower waterline.

"Ready?" Brad asks from the kitchen. I grab my luggage and open the door. "Yeah."

I trudge to the kitchen with my rolling suitcase in one hand, and my carry-ons in my other hand.

He makes his way towards me, and kisses me on the lips.

I laugh as he pulls away. "What?" He asks.

"You have a little lip gloss on your lips now. Here," I rub the pad of my thumb over his lips, swiping off any lipgloss.

"Come on, and let's drive to the air port." He tugs on my other hand, and I follow him.

Brad, being a gentleman, places my bags in the trunk for me, then opens my car door for me to get in.


After bordering on the plane, Brad and I sit in the very back, in the blue, uncomfortable seats.

I plug my earphones in and play 'This Is War' by Emily Kinney.

Brad grabs my hand as I tense because of the plane taking off, off of the runway.

Lucky for me, I got the window seat.

I watch as the ground below us become smaller and smaller, until I could barely make out what was a house and what was a shopping mall.

"Wake me up when the plane lands." I say.

"I will. I promise." Brad assures me.

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