Little Extra Chapter

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"Brad," Maddie calls as she places the bowl of soup in front of her two sick twin girls.

"Brad, come down for supper! The girls are ready to eat!" She yells again and he finally trudges down the stairs.

The two twins look identical; both had milk chocolate brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes that sparkle, and a perfect smile.

"How's my two girls feeling today?" Brad kisses the top of both of their foreheads.

"Sick, Daddy. My tummy hurts and I feel bad." Alayna mumbles in her cute child's voice. "Same," Bridget agrees.

Maddie smiles at how they always team up and stick to whatever each other says.

Brad looks at Maddie with questionable eyes. "How did they get from school?"

"I picked them up. Mrs. Alison called and said they were both sick." She answers.

Brad nods and kisses her on the lips. "Ewwww!" Both of the girls gag.

"Now I'm even sicker!" Alayna says, her eyebrows crunched up. Bridget nods.

"Oh, come on, girls. It's just mommy's and daddy's way of showing each other that we love each other."

"Then why don't we kiss the boys at school? The teachers say to love everyone." Bridget asks.

Brad quickly steps up. "Because those boys have cuddies." Maddie giggles.

"Yeah, girls. It's different. Now, why don't I take you both to your room."

"Okay, mommy." The two girls grab ahold to Maddie's hand and she safely walks them up the stairs.

They enter the roomy, pink bedroom and she lays them down on the bed.

"Go to sleep, Hun. Maybe you won't feel sick when you wake up."


Hey guys! I figured for Christmas I'd add just a small chapter! So Merry Christmas!!

I hope each and every one of you got what you wanted!!

Tell me which was your favorite present in the comments!🎄🎄🎄

I love you all!!

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