spark in me

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I was always a weird kid. The thing is everywhere I go flowers starts to blossom out of nowhere even in winter. And if that's not weird enough for you try to imagine the shock when I first started to catch on flames .I always got sparkly when I was angry but this time I was full on fire . I was hiding in the woods because I got into fight with my brother and suddenly I could feel the flames all over me. I thought I finally lost it ... Then someone came to me . I couldn't see really well through the fire so I just whispered '' please stay away. I... I don't want to hurt you ." But the person still came and then I could feel someone holding me while the flames started to disappear. "What just happened?" I asked finally able to see the guy in red just few years older than me. " I don't know you tell me ? Didn't your parents teach you how to subdue your spark?" " Spark? What is spark?" Now we both just looked confused at each other until something clicked in his eyes " wait ... Don't tell me ... You're actually human?" Huh what else would I be ? " Well of course I'm human aren't you?" I had to look really dumb because he chuckled " no sweetheart I'm really not ." " Then what are you ? And how did you stop it ? Whatever it was ?" I guess I got little bit excited because where my hands were touching the ground flowers grew. When he saw that he just gasped and flew . Great even nonhumans things I'm weird. Oh gods this day just couldn't be worse .
After I chilled out I got home and it was the first night I had dream about tree spirit dying in flames....

It all started in the forest it was like I was there but I could only watch. There were two guys one of them looked like a nymph . And the other one I was sure was the guy I met today. There was fire all over the forest and these two hold each other in a tight hug. They were whispering something but I couldn't hear what. Then the nymph disappeared and the red one started to scream. That's when I woke up
I was covered in sweat half my bed full of flowers and my sheets slightly burned. Oh shit mum will kill me . One would think she would be used to this but I can sometimes see the fear in her eyes. Like I'm not really her son. Like she doesn't know what I really am. And well to be honest I don't know either. That's why I'm going into the woods again. To find out....
I traveled this whole place but still nothing . The men in red is probably already gone. Just my luck huh. So I lay down letting flowers cover me . It's quite suiting but then I feel it again the spark or what he called it. Either way I'm starting to catch on fire again and more I'm panicking the worse it is. Oh gods . Come on red guy now is the best time to show up.... I didn't even finish the thought and he was actually here touching my shoulder telling me to breathe. " Hey Red good to see you . Kinda thought I scared you yesterday." I said while instead of flames flowers were once again touching my skin. "You? Scare me? Don't be stupid sweetheart you can't scare a fire spirit that easily. I ... Was just taken aback by the flowers that's all. It reminded me of someone I used to know." His eyes looked so sad like he was about to cry. I would love to know who he was referring to but I don't think he would tell me that easily. " Fire spirit huh? That's cool. Now can you tell me what the underworld is happening to me ?" Seems that my question got to him since he finally looked me " well sweetheart I would also want to know what's happening . It's not normal to have powers of a nymph And a fire spirit . Especially if you're human... But you don't really smell like human . " " I don't what now? " He gets closer to me sniffing me out. Well that's an interesting situation. " You smell like forest and fire ." He touches the bridge of his nose thinking . Then something clicks in his eyes again . He slowly shakes his head like he knows what's wrong with me but he doesn't want to believe it. " So are you gonna tell me what that means ? Or at least what am I supposed to do ? " " I'm not really sure but I could teach you how to control your spark I guess. " " Nice . " He chuckles and it makes my heart flutter while more flowers appears around me . " Are you that excited? " Agh frickin flowers always telling on me. But he's still smiling and I can't help but blush a little . " I can't help it okay the flowers do what they want ." " Sure flower boy." "Aghhhh" I hate that nickname my whole childhood I wouldn't hear anything else but from him well let's just say I don't mind it that much..... " Okay Red I'll come to see you tomorrow I really have to go now before mother kills me for being out whole day." Well that's a lie but I feel like being here with him even a minute longer would have end up with me being buried in frickin flowers. I wave to him while skipping to my home

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