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I've lived a thousand lives , but none of them were mine. I've tasted a thousand souls , but all of them tasted the  same .  I've walked so many miles  and met too many people . I've been tired, but never slept . I've been suffering ,but never died . I've made wishes come true for others but never for me. Because no one ever asked . No one until you. Just you, my beautiful broken human . So I'll never talk about Before ,because I started to live the day I met you. It was another miserable night and I was aimlessly strolling around woods . I didn't even notice I came near the cemetery until I heard your voice .  You were talking with ghosts some of them bickering trying to get your attention. Some of them shy just waiting for you to get to them . And you , oh you looked so lovely . Your voice full of live even tho your eyes were full of pain. At that moment I didn't yet knew if the pain were yours or just for them. Sad little souls trying to talk to someone alive. Someone who could tell them stories about life after their death . So you smiled and told stories and I was watching. Wondering if I could come closer. Wondering if I could talk to you too. But I was scared so I just kept listening till almost the morning when you yawned and said goodbyes to those ghosts. They waived at you and smiled hoping you'll come back . As was I . Hoping for the first time to meet again the human that grants wishes to dead . Because you my lovely boy were so much like me but so much purer . Such purity and innocence should be cherished so cherish I did .
I've come to the cemetery whole week listening t your beautiful voice. Telling stories and reading books . But I never once came closer not till the night you didn't come.  I got used to seeing you every night that it never occured to me that you could just not come back . So I went closer and asked a first ghost I walked into. They smiled and told me you knew about me. That if I wish to see you I should come to the next cemetery in another village . I couldn't help but smile at your words even little blushed . Of course I wished to see you. But isn't it wrong from me ? Isn't it selfish? For I am just a demon selling wishes for souls . I shouldn't wish . I shouldn't hope. But I did anyway....
So here I was in another village. Another cemetery. Looking into your sad blue eyes . " What do you wish for?" You asked  with a smile . " I don't think I can wish for anything." I answered.  " So I'll make you believe you can wish for anything . But for now listen I'm about to tell a story . After that I'll ask you again . " 

" This story is mine and thus was never told. I've lived all my life for all of them , all of you. And I died , and I died and I died . After all that death I'm still here , broken but standing . Granting wishes to those who died too . Telling lovely stories to sad ghosts making them just a little bit happier. And that was all till last week when I first saw another soul . Another being that lives to grant wishes . Another unhappy creature that can't die.... So I'm asking you again Demon what do you wish for ? Tell me yours and I tell you mine. "
And just then I could here your crying soul latching onto me . Like a little child with grabby hands . Just trying to hold onto something solid . I smiled at you and said " I wish you were happy." It made you laugh but then you looked at me and said. " Then come with me . Be my companion as I walk the earth ad tell stories . And maybe one day let me here yours. As I wish for you to be happy too. " I blushed forgetting all those ghosts around us .
It wasn't a love at first sight , it wasn't even a friendship. But it was something, something deep and solid . So I went with you . Traveling and listening to new stories . I cherished you and you made me smile . That was all I ever needed until now. As I am here finally telling you my story ." I'm madly in love with you but you're dying . So please grant me another wish . Please be reborn again . It doesn't matter if you don't remember me  I'll find you and tell you everything again....."

" Oh my darling little demon , look at me . I already told you all these years ago . I die and I die and I die.... But it never sticks . Give me your hand." I do and he takes it running under his shirt . I want to take it back but stop when I feel the long scars . I look at him not knowing what to think. " Yes my darling I was an angel . But I fell and as a punishment they cut off my wings . So no I will not actually die on you . Even tho it feels like it ." He chuckled and to hell with him . But he already knows what I wanna say and instead he kissed me ......
" Stop telling our story to ghosts just because you're angry I didn't tell you sooner . I mean you were living with me for decades how did you not notice I wasn't aging ?!"

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