Once again

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Let's start from the beginning, or at least this new beginning....
Few months before my eighteen birthday I found myself waking up from weird dreams. At least I thought they were dreams, until I finally realized they were my memories. Memories from my past lives . It was weird , it still very much is to be honest. One would think I'll be used to it by now, but nope it always gets me. So you see I'm some kind of witch, very powerful one might I say, but also very stupid. Why stupid ? Well because in my first life, few hundred years ago I tried a spell to find my soulmate . Which kind of backfired , I still don't know what I did wrong . But since then everytime I die I just reincarnate and get my memories back when I'm around eighteen. So yeah fun and all that. And hey with my frickin luck I always find myself in abusive family . At least I don't feel bad when I leave them once I get my powers.

Now I have all I need and I'm on my way to my village. I have enchanted house in woods across a small village which I won't name . Sorry guys don't want anyone to find me. If anyone really needs my help they always find a way to me. Anyway not only I have home to get back to I also have a small bookshop. Yeah once I figured I'll be coming back again and again I bought it and let my familiar tend to it while I'm gone. This way I don't need to care about money or going to school . I mean who in their right mind would want to go to school over and over - if you know, you know -. My shop is mostly for normal people but it's also well known in supernatural community. I have lots of books and bestiaries that can't be found anywhere else anymore. So it's common for our people to seek me for them or just me for my knowledge and skills. When you're as old as me you learn a thing or two.

And here I am back in the woods looking at my home. When all of a sudden someone attacks me from behind. Or at least they tried since hey don't touch me if you're not ready to be thrown by my magic. I heard a loud crack before I even got the chance to look at this stupid creature, it sprawled from the ground preparing to attack again. It was a boy , well man I guess close to thirty maybe. It's always hard to tell with frickin werewolfs . Because ofcourse my first encounter back home will be stupid dog . As I said before, me and my luck.... Tho I must say this one is really good looking. As tall as me but much more muscular. Short blondish hair and grey eyes.... well let's just say his looks will be appreciated later but now.... " Hey pup I wouldn't recommend attacking me again if you want to live." I say amused when he tilts his head questioning what's going on. But then he still goes after me , stupid dog. I just flick fingers , dropping him on the ground with another loud crack. Then I wave my hand and one of the branches bind him to the tree. " Okay then angry pup, since I'm in a good mood I'm just gonna leave you here. Don't try to let yourself free it will hurt more. You'll be free after I get from here . Bye pup." I say while he's just growling at me so I chuckle and get on my way. Finally entering my home leaving the bag there and leaving for another door which leads to my shop. Those doors are actually magically connected just so you know. So no my shop really isn't inside of the forest. That would be stupid and impractical...

Didn't even close the door and there's someone wrapped all around me. "Hello to you too darling" she hums something in my neck but won't let go of me . So I pat her on her beautiful metallic hair " it's okay I'm back Skye" with that she finally unwraps herself and quickly kisses me . " It's good to have you back master." " Just call me Gabe since that's my new name darling." With that she laughs " oh really your new parents named you Gabriel ? It's as they knew it's the closest to your real name , Galeine " " it's just my luck I guess besides it's not even that similar . Anyway we should start with work do you have everything prepared? I assume you knew I was coming since you were stalking as usual." She gets red as tomato which makes me giggle . How manly of me right.... " Yes I have everything prepared come with me." So we go in the back of the shop were the magic is made . Kinda literally since this is where Skye is gonna put my magical tattoos on me once again....

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