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I'm sitting on a bridge , crying silently into my sleeves. When suddenly someone approaches me from behind. They pet my shoulder and I get so scared I almost fall .
"So what's your issue ? "
I don't know who I am. I'm broken
"How are you broken ? "
I'm constantly changing
"Can it be fixed? "
I don't know
"Do you want to be fixed ? "
I ... I think ... I do
She asks pausing after every question like she can hear me even tho I speak only in my head. Not believing my voice not to crack from crying right now . But she still nods .Like she understands. Like she can hear. So I ask about it in my head again and he smiles.
" I'll find you outside and I'll help you."
She tells me and then.... Then I wake up...
I'm inside abandoned cabin deep in woods thinking about the weird dream. When all of a sudden u hear the voice again " found you" . But there's no one around. Maybe I was just imagining things... Several minutes pass and I'm standing up to go outside . I didn't even take one step when she appears in the doors . This beautiful tall goddess with long curly pink hair. She smiles at me and says again " found you" . In my dream I only saw for a second the curly mess but looking at her now... She looks like a warrior. Not like wearing armor or anything but the way she stand like she's ready for a fight. Even her smile looks predatory. Only the pink hair makes it looks more cute , makes you forget a little about her knowing eyes.... So I stood there absolutely mesmerized  while she looked at me and " oh honey." Her smile falls ... Why ? How do I look ? Is it that bad ? " It's not bad darling . I just finally understand what's wrong with you . " Again with the mind reading . " Sorry it's who I am a telepath... " " Uh huh it's okay .... So what's wrong with me ? Why do I keep changing? " Oh I'm a girl now too according to my voice . Good to know... " You forgot who you were and who you wanted to be ... I could show you but I must warn you it's not gonna be pretty. " " Do iwanna see ? Can't you just tell me? " I ask voice shaking. " I could but is it really what you want ? Don't you wanna know how you looked ? How you wished you could look? "  That's all I ever wanted.... But don't wanna know why I don't remember? " I could show you without that part if that's what you want ." She assures me and I nod. So she walks to me and puts her hands on my head.
What I see is not what I expected . I see girl covered with scars because she doesn't want to be a girl. I see the boy she wants to be. I see many people that put her through hell and made her question everything. And i see the day she finally becomes boy . But instead of staying like that they keep changing and instead forgets about all the hurt and pain.....

When I open my eyes again my cheeks are covered with tears and rest of the body looks like one huge scar made of so many little ones. " I can make the bad go away darling. But the changing , only you can stop that . If you want that ..." I want to ask if she's not disgusted with me when I notice some of my scars bleeding into her skin. They won't stay like that tho , they change into beautiful silver ornaments. For some reason I know I can trust her. " Take it away please . Just tell me who you are ? " She smiles  and says " I am who I am just like you're who you are. It's simple we don't need labels to exist...   I can see you all of you and it's sad and it's beautiful. Broken but still strong when given the chance. Just like me ..." With that she kisses me on my forehead and then .... Then everything bad goes away and only now and our future stays intact......

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