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Almost two months had drifted away since that pivotal night, yet its memory clung to me like an unshakeable shadow. Each dawn indicates a new day, heavy with the anticipation of his sudden appearance. And so, with each sunrise, I found myself enveloped in a fresh wave of hope, yearning for the chance to encounter that might bring him back into my world.

As I lingered in bed, lost in thoughts of him, a familiar figure interrupted my daydreaming. It was my mother.

She said, "When are you going to have something to eat or are you planning to do a diet ? I swear you're becoming a stick! " she teased, knowing full well that I had no desire to diet.

I rolled my eyes. "No way, I don't have any plans of dieting and don't even wish to have any. I was just coming down only."

As I leave my room to head downstairs for breakfast, I catch a glimpse of my mother in the hallway, giving me a thumbs up. She's always been my best friend, someone I can confide in and talk to about anything. I'm grateful to have such a wonderful mother in my life.I am planning to tell her about that boy too but after some time as I thought of waiting to meet him again.

After breakfast, I went out with my father for work. Yes my father "THE AARUSH SINGHANIA" is a very famous and successful architect in the country right now... his designs are always attractive and eye-catching with all the modern modifications that everyone needs nowadays... Though he is very famous, rich and successful, he's the most down-to-earth and humble person I have ever seen. He always donates to NGOs and helps people through social activities.

He has always treated me like a princess and taught me all the life skills. He taught me the importance of every penny and always makes sure I feel loved and secure. Every day, he brings me my favorite chocolate bar, just to make me happy.

He knows I can buy them myself but ever since I started liking chocolates he started bringing them every day so that I never have to trouble myself to go out. Every Sunday he watches a movie with me and plays all the games l like. He's the BEST.

--Time skip--

As we arrived at the entrance of the company, he asked me to wait for him while he parked the car. I have a little interest in business, so whenever possible...

While waiting I couldn't help but notice him...My heart starts pounding.
I see him - the man I've been dreaming of, standing there with the enchanting smile which had left such a deep impression on me that fateful night.
There he stood in that black suit and white shirt! His perfect physique suited the black tie with many small dots on it, which made him look even more handsome.
His presence commanded attention, his aura screaming confidence and charm. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as I drank in the sight before me, my heart racing. Caught in the bondage of his strong gaze, I faltered, momentarily forgetting the world around me. It was only the sound of my father's voice that snapped me back to reality.

"What happened? Come on, let's go to my cabin."

"Wait for me, dad. I'll join you in a few minutes." I replied.

I looked back towards those strong gazes and was waiting for him to recognize me, but he looked at me with a confused expression and asked, "Do I know you?"

I replied, "No, not my name and all, but remember that night two months ago when we met and lay down on the street?"

I was expecting him to say yes immediately, but his answer was, "No... I wasn't even available here two months ago, and I don't even know what night and all you are talking about, and who are you?"

My heart sank, and my hopes crushed. I tried to explain the situation, but it was no use. Even his expression was too serious to joke about. He didn't remember me at all.

Maybe destiny was holding something else for us~

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