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                 --On the other hand--

~Male lead POV~

I told my secretary to get more details about Aarush Singhania.
I want to know more about him so that I can compete well.

We should know more about our competitors in detail than our friends. So, make sure to dig out all the information regarding him.

                       ~FEW DAYS LATER~
"Anushka.... wake up. It's already 9:00 A.M" Mom yelled

"Ugh, yeah yeah... I'm awake," I grumbled, my voice still rough with sleep. Dragging myself out of bed, I stumbled through the morning routine before making my way downstairs for breakfast.

"I should have sent you to the military.. and you would have learned how it feels to wake up early," Mom said sarcastically.

"Oh c'mon... Don't scold my daughter now. She must have been tired. Right, dear..? " Dad said with a playful smile and winked at me. His playful smile aimed at softening the morning banter.

"Yeap..I was damn tired after reading so many books last night" I chuckled.

While having this fun convo I took a slice of bread and started spreading butter on it. We all had breakfast and hoped for a day 'smooth like butter' LOL.

Well, today I will be accompanying my dad as our architecture firm will have an opportunity to take up a very big and important project today.
My dad worked all night to prepare a perfect presentation that embodies excellence in every aspect. Most importantly I believe in him that he will take up this opportunity and will put his heart into it.

Before going out of the house mom wished us good luck with curd and sugar.

After a while, we reached the office. My dad encouraged all our employees to be positive.

Then we went to the meeting room and prepared everything so that the presentation went well.

The client reached the office with his secretary and we welcomed him with a bouquet of vibrant and attractive flowers.
He looked a little happy so we can assume that he was in a good state of mind and mood. We all went to the meeting room and started the presentation.

Seated in the conference room, my father led the presentation with confidence, each slide meticulously crafted to impress.

With the expressions of clients and nods it conveyed that they were quite impressed.

I was feeling so proud that after all the struggle my father is standing somewhere he deserves to.

After 45 minutes the presentation ended.

My dad and everyone present in the meeting room looked at the client.

Then my dad posed the question, his voice laced in hope - "So sir, what do you think about working with us? "

The client nodded and said - " We would love to work with you. The presentation was also perfect and impressive but I will also have to discuss it with my partner. He was not able to make it here because of some health issue but we will let you know whatever we will decide. "

"Sure sir, Take your time and let us know when you have. Thank you so much for your precious time. Dad responded with grace, his smile unwavering despite the uncertainty.

The client left the room and everyone took a deep breath of relief.

I went up to Dad and said -"Don't worry dad. We have done our part now let's leave it to them. Whatever they will decide will not change the image I have created of you. "

He smiled widely and took me into his arms.

After a while, my dad came to the cafeteria to pick me up. I will be going to the site with my dad on which he is currently working on.
I always like to his work not as a daughter but as a professional architect.

I have not been practicing my job because I feel like I still have a lot to learn from my dad. My academic education is completed. I have a degree but still I have a lot on my plate left to learn right now from my dad.

We both went to the site. As I stepped onto the land I was really mesmerized as it was really spacious with a perfect view.

"Beautiful, isn't it? " My dad said while looking at me with a smile.

"It's damn good. The owner must have put in a lot." I replied with a big smile.

"Come I will show you the plan." Dad said.

"Yeah, sure. I am so excited"

"So, it's a nuclear family consisting of children. So I planned for 2 guest rooms, one master bedroom and one kids room with living room, modern kitchen and bathroom. The exteriors and walls will have peach color with white highlight combination." Dad explained while showing the papers.

"Wow! That's actually pretty good. It will be perfect for their family and will match the landscape here." I said

"You know what is the enthusiastic part of being an architect?" Dad asked while raising his eyebrows.

"To be able to build houses for people to live" I said skeptically.

"That's for sure is but the most exciting part is when you see the smiles on their faces. The trust they have in us that we will be able to make their dream house a reality. When they see the finished work and smile sometimes with tears in their eyes is what I feel is the most exciting thing to experience. " Dad articulated.

"I never realized this. Maybe when I will turn someone's dream into reality I will witness this feeling." I stated.

Dad smiled and showed me around the site.
As I stated I still have a lot to learn from my dad and this is what I was referring to. He is someone who shows me the right path.
Now, as I learnt about this feeling I am very much excited to make someone's dream house turn into a reality.

            --ON THE OTHER HAND--

The client got a call and said - "Okay.. sure. Yes, I will be there.
No, I haven't decided anything about this project so we will give you a chance too.

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