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"The game has just started," he thinks while smirking.

I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time and it's finally here. I got the deal or I would say I had seized the deal, taking the first step towards dominating the industry and leaving my competitor, Mr. Aarush Singhania, in the dust.
Now I just need to take that crucial step I have been planning for. Now I hope that everything would fall into place seamlessly.

                  --On the other hand--

                    ~Female lead POV~

My Dad got a call from the clients just 15 minutes ago. He told him that they locked the deal with someone named Ayaan Malhotra. The news of the deal slipped away to Ayaan Malhotra cut deep, especially considering the significance of the project.

I am just watching my Dad standing numb with a phone in his hand. I can't help but get infuriated because of those clients. How could he even lock the deal with someone else just after telling us to wait? How could they dangle the promise of a partnership only to snatch it away in the blink of an eye?

I walked towards my dad and patted him on his shoulder.
I said - "Dad, don't worry. I am with you and will support you in your dream."
He nodded. I hugged him for a brief moment. A tender moment passed between us as I embraced him, my resolve unwavering.

After a while, I went to the clients. I raced the car to their office and went to their cabin. I just barged into their office cabin while pushing away the security.

As I stormed into the clients' office, fury pulsating through my veins, I could feel my composure slipping away. The audacity of their actions left me speechless, my righteous indignation demanding to be heard.

I shouted at the client and said - "Excuse me, sir, what do you think you have done? Don't you have any ethics?

He replied - " What are you saying? And how dare you barge in my cabin like that"

Their dismissive response only fueled the flames of my outrage. - "Wow, nice huh.. Well, I thought if you have no ethics then even I should not show some basic manner like knocking on the door. "

He got mad and said - "Okay. I got it. You are here because you didn't get the deal right? Well, the deal goes to the deserving person and now I am sure that the deserving person for that deal is Mr. Ayaan Malhotra."

I replied - "Well. You know at first I was also furious about how Ayaan got behind our back and did all that but now I feel sorry for him and thankful to God. Atleast we won't have to work with someone who has no ethics for his business and I am glad now you did all that and saved us" I smirked

"Just stop it now. I didn't do anything wrong. So shut up now. " He couldn't hold his anger.

I replied after folding my arms - "Just one more thing. I need to tell you what you did wrong as I can see you don't have any sense of right and wrong. If you didn't want to lock the deal with us and thought we weren't deserving then you should have refused to get into the contract in the first place. You should have followed the formal procedure rather than going to see someone else, locking the deal right away and then just informing us on the call that you are sorry. Just build some foundational ethics for your business.

He couldn't say anything further. I just walked out of the cabin and retreated to the solace of my car, the weight of the encounter heavy on my shoulders. But as I took a deep breath to steady my trembling resolve, a flicker of recognition ignited within me.

That man from the night entering into the office. I just couldn't understand anything like what is he even doing here in the midst of turmoil?
With each passing moment, the mystery deepened, leaving me grappling for answers in the shadows of uncertainty.

Is he related to that client in any way or something?

I just ignored and went back to my dad.
He was sitting in his cabin. I knocked and went inside. He looked like he was in deep thoughts about something.
He asked me to sit.
As I rest down on the chair I asked him -
"Well dad, do you know who Ayaan Malhotra is? I never heard this name before. "

My father paused, his brow furrowed in confusion as he grappled with the unfamiliar name echoing through the air: Ayaan Malhotra.

Who was he? Where had he emerged from? These questions swirled in the air.
It was the first time his name had crossed our ears, a sudden intrusion into our world of familiarity.

Even though Ayaan Malhotra kept to himself most of the time, he did something amazing. He somehow got our clients to really like him and made a deal that seemed impossible. It was like magic!

The clients he had captivated were notorious for their discerning tastes. The clients he impressed were really picky. Everyone wanted to get their approval because they were so hard to please. But he did it.

As we kept thinking about him more and more, I started to wonder what else he was hiding. There must be more surprises waiting for us in the complicated world of business secrets.

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