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Aayan's POV

As I entered the conference room, the atmosphere of excitement hit me like a wave. The energy was palpable, with people dressed in their formal wears, chatting and laughing as they waited for the conference to begin. The room was decorated with balloons, streamers and colourful flowers, adding to the overall air of joy and excitement.

I made my way to the corner of the conference room and sat down at the last seat. A moment later, Ayesha walked in, all dressed in an elegant white gown, looking absolutely stunning. As she made her way to the podium, I couldn't help but stare at her. It was the way she commanded the room that caught my attention, she had always been confident and capable, but I had never seen her like this. Her aura was screaming confidence and grace.

The host was welcoming and introduced Ayesha to come up and present her speech, everybody stood up clapping to welcome her, and so did I.
But soon our eyes met, we were face to face, and the intensity of our eye contact nearly knocked me off my feet. I couldn't help but notice the fire in her eyes, determination and competitive spirit just bursting out of her. This wasn't the Ayesha I knew, this was a woman with a newfound sense of purpose- a woman determined to do whatever it takes to win and protect her father's reputation.

Her eyes challenged mine as if she was trying to read my thoughts and know every single strategy I was planning on using to win. I could sense her desire to compete against me, her desire to win at all costs. As much as this new aura of hers was scaring was also filling me with excitement.


Just as the intensity of the eye contact was beginning to become almost too much that we were about to kill each other with our eyes, a reporter broke the moment by asking Ayesha a question.

Reporter - “I'll ask our new CEO, Ayesha Singhania, to share her vision for Singhania's Designs and how she plans to lead the company into the future."

She shuttered first due to the sudden question but quickly regained her composure and answered the question flawlessly.
I couldn't help but smirk at her initial hesitation. But her flawless answer made me realize that she was not to be underestimated.

                        --Ayesha POV--

As I was about to speak I couldn't help but notice him.
Yes him...the one and only Mr. Aayan Malhotra. He must be here to ruin something.

I could sense the intensity of the eye contact we shared. I stood there standing confidently, staring with the same desire to win. Showing him the power that I hold. I can see that he himself can feel this powerful aura. What did he think huh? I'm not an ordinary woman who will be nervous or scared because of him.


Suddenly a reporter interrupted with a direct question.

I stumbled at first, caught off guard by the unexpected interruption. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks and my heart beating faster.

Closing my eyes for a second I reminded myself “Godd calm down Ayesha you got this.”

I took a deep breath, looking forward with a confident smile and continued
"First of all thank you to all for being here on this special occasion. I'm excited to be here today, and to have the opportunity to share my vision for Singhania's Designs. We live in a rapidly changing world, and I believe that it's more important than ever to have a company like Singhania's Designs, one that not only provides great products but also stands for something. We believe in sustainability and high-quality products that reflect our values. This is the future that I see for our company, and I'm excited to lead us there."

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