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I was still wondering if I ever met her.

                 ---Female lead POV---

I don't know if it was his words that pierced through my heart leaving it scattered on the floor of my soul or the painful realization that he had forgotten the memory that i cherished so deeply.

I wanted to cry so hard but just then someone knocked on my door. I got up and opened the door.. it was none other than my father. He was holding a basket full of snacks and another small basket full of chocolates.

He asked me - "Wanna go to our place? "
This place was a secret for me and my dad. Whenever we have some great good news or when we feel down we always spend time at our secret place.

I replied-  "Um.. okay. Let's go"

We both sat in the car and he offered me a sanctuary of silence to collect my shattered fragmented thoughts. As the time was passing, my thoughts were yearning to be released in the open air.

Meanwhile we reached there. I opened the door and stepped out of the car.
In that park, nature seemed to be painting with the vibrant hues of spring, a symphony of colors dancing in the gentle breeze. Each tree stood as a majestic guardian, their branches adorned with delicate blossoms like jewels adorning a royal crown.

Amongst this enchanting scene, our eyes were drawn to a magnificent sight: a grand red maple tree, its royal presence commanding the attention of all who passed by, encircled by a chorus of pink and white blooms, a harmonious choir singing praises to the season.

With a tender touch, my dad laid out the picnic spread, the checkered throw spread out on the lush green grass just like a cozy quilt.
As we settled beneath the outstretched branches of the maple, its flora casting dappled shadows upon us, a sense of serenity washed over our souls. Here, amidst nature's embrace, we found solace and connection, basking in the beauty of the moment, a fleeting glimpse of eternity captured in the simplicity of a shared picnic beneath the loving gaze of a majestic maple tree.

Just then Dad looked at me with assured eyes and was waiting till I got ready to say something. I couldn't appreciate him less as in this rush of the world many people fail to provide the most basic and beautiful thing to their closed ones. It's the "TIME". Sometimes people don't need money or anything they just need some time from their loved ones. They want to sit with them even when there is no topic to talk about because sometimes silence speaks the loudest.

I consider myself lucky as I just got the perfect father in the world. He is as busy as others but he manage to take out some time for us.

After a brief period of time I took a deep breath and said - "Actually.. 2 months ago I met a boy on the street at night. We both watched the sky together silently while lying down there. His presence was so warm and comfortable for me that I didn't hesitate to be with him. We both just appreciated the silence between us or maybe we said many things through that silence."

Dad smiled and patted on my head. Then he said - "I am glad to hear that you know how to appreciate the silence and what is the significance of it. From this, you sound like a very mature girl and maybe I am also sad that you are growing up so fast. I have witnessed all the stages of your life till now, but I was and I will never be ready to witness and accept the matured stage of my one and only dear daughter. "

I could not control myself after hearing what Dad said to me and burst out in tears. Then my dad took me into his arms and slightly started caressing through my hair. It was the warmest hug that made me feel like I am loved unconditionally by someone in this world who would never leave my side and hold my hand till the very end even though the world is against me.

He said - "Your tears are precious to me. Your eyes shine like a diamond when you have those tears in your eyes. So never waste them on something or someone that is not worthy of you and does not care for you."

His words were like someone just played the most emotional recording of their life.

After a while, I stopped crying and he looked at me and laughed a little. He said - "You look funny yet pretty. So, I think we have had our emotional session. Continue what you were saying earlier... what happened after that? "

I laughed and started speaking about him again - "After that, he went away because some called him. Then after those 2 months, I met him today. Remember the man I saw at the entrance and stopped there only. "

"Ohh.. that man. Yeah, I remember"

"Yeah, it was him but he didn't recognize me and said he was not available in the city 2 months ago. But I am sure I met him only I can never forget him but he denied it. So, I don't know now what to do and what exactly has happened"

"Don't worry dear, I will look into him for you and let you know who he is and will also try to know where was he 2 months ago"

"Are you sure?"

"Do you doubt my ability? " He smirked
and then again said - "BTW,  you have good taste and standard like your mother.. huh!"

I replied - "Do you doubt?"
We both laughed hard together and we ate together. We both went home.
After having the conversation with Dad I feel much better.

                   --On the other hand--
~Male lead POV~
I told my secretary to get more details about Aarush Singhania.
I want to know more about him so that I can compete well.

We should know more about our competitors in detail than our friends. So, make sure to dig out all the information regarding him.

The Silence Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now