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                      ~Aayan's POV ~

Karan (secretary) informed me that those clients have agreed to meet us tomorrow morning.
"It's gonna be a fun day for me to show them how skilled I am..." He said while smirking.

                       -The next day-

Aayan arrives at his office early in the morning, eager to make a good impression on the clients. He was dressed in a tailored black suit, completed with a crisp white button-down shirt and a matching black tie.

His dark hair was neatly slicked to the side, revealing his sharp jawline and piercing eyes. The fit of his suit was tailored to his athletic frame, showcasing his broad shoulders and long arms.
On his left wrist, he wore a classic black Rolex, a symbol of his success and sophistication. The black Oxfords on his feet were perfectly polished, and the entire ensemble projected a sense of confidence and professionalism that was simply breathtaking.

                      ~Aayan's POV~

As I entered my cabin,
I was surprised to see Karan, lounging on the sofa, looking at me with his cheeky smirk.

Karan is more than just a secretary - he's a good friend and someone I can trust. It didn't happen overnight, but slowly, over time, I've come to appreciate his humor, his honesty, and his loyalty. Our first few interactions were a bit awkward, as I don't tend to trust people easily, but over time, we got to know each other better and developed a strong working relationship.

As soon as our eyes meet, without missing a beat, he asked
"Well, well, well, as long as I remember you aren't an early bird. Why are you here so soon?"

I couldn't help but smirk back at him and replied, "I wanted to be prepared for today's big meeting with our potential clients. After all, we need to make a good impression if we want them to choose us as their partner."

Karan nodded in agreement, "You're right, boss. It's a big opportunity for us, so we need to be at our best today."

I chuckled and said, "Don't worry,
Karan. I've got this. I've been preparing for this moment for weeks. We're going to lock in this deal today and take our first step towards becoming a major player in this industry."

Karan smiles knowingly and makes his way out of the cabin to check on the files.

        -10 mins before the meeting -

Aaron stands before the full-length mirror in his cabin, taking a deep breath to compose himself.
"No matter what I have to take this deal. This is my time to make a name for myself. I won't rest until I take over this industry and prove to the world who the best is."

He mutters to himself, feeling the weight of his words settling on his shoulders. "this is my first step towards success, and I won't let anything stand in my way. I have to move forward even with the high cost I have to pay for this...."

Knowing that nothing worthwhile comes without risk, with a renewed sense of determination, I turn away from the mirror and head towards the conference room to face my destiny.

                         -Time skip-

As he entered the conference room, he saw that both of the clients were sitting at the table, waiting for him.

"Good morning gentlemen," he said, offering a hand to each of them. "Thank you so much for coming today"

"Of course, it's our pleasure" one of the clients responded, shaking my hand gently.

I stood before the clients and other members in the meeting and started with the presentation confidently.

"It's a big moment and I need to lock this deal at any cost" I reminded myself. I am confident in myself that I will be able to impress the clients and lock the deal.

I began with the presentation, by using all the skills I had acquired over the years to make the clients feel comfortable and confident in his abilities.

As I spoke, the clients listened intently, asking questions and challenging him on certain points to ensure that he had a clear understanding of their business needs.
I was able to answer all their queries confidently, which was clearly showing that I was well-prepared for the meeting.

The clients showed a smile of assurance which was the sign that today's day is in my favour. They were pretty much impressed with my presentation and ideas.

The deal was finally mine, and I knew it as I could see it.

After an hour, he finishes his presentation feeling confident about the deal.

"We are very impressed by your presentation Mr. " One of the clients said with a smile blooming across his face.

"We would love to work with you on this project"

"Thank you so much for your time and I won't let you regret your decision," the Main lead said with a smile.

Finally the clients stood up and signed the agreement with my firm.

I couldn't contain my happiness, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. This was just the beginning, and I know that I would only go on to achieve bigger and better things.

"The game has just started," he thinks while smirking.
It's time to show them that there are some sharks in this ocean.

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