Its Really Good to Hear Your Voice💀🥺

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Andy was sitting on his tour bus, watching the Office for the millionth time as the rain poured down outside. It was very fitting for his mood.

Andy has ever since his phone call with Jake. It was terrifying. Not because of what he almost said or the position that Jake could have put him in if he did say it, but the fact that Andy wasn't sure if he would have been strong enough to say no.

He was ashamed of it, but he couldn't help it. Andy was so in love with Jake. It started around 2012. Andy had only ever saw him as a friend, but then one day it all changed. It was while they were in the studio for Wretched and Divine. Jake was going over all the guitar parts anf explaining the mix to Andy and how it would fit with everything and how he thinks they would mix his voice. Andy listened intently, but the only thing going through his head was how much he loved Jake.

It hit him out of nowhere. One minute it was his friend and bandmate in front of him, the next, it was the love of his life. It was disgusting, truly.

Andy did his best to ignore his feelings for the older man, but nothing seemed to make it fade. If anything, his feelings only grew. It was genuinely miserable at times, but he was able to keep it to himself.

...until that damn night in Germany.

Andy hadn't meant to drink that much, but he was spiraling and needed to numb it. His solution to everything back then was to get black out drunk. His memories of that night were spotty at best, but unfortunately, the one clear memory he did have was of his confession to Jake.

Jake didn't mention it the next morning, so Andy didn't either. He was more than happy to pretend that he didn't remember what he had said. Andy was more than a little ashamed by the entire interaction and wanted to forget it ever happened.

He didn't exactly forget it, but he did manage to push it back into the depths of his mind and rarely ever thought about it. Andy couldn't tell you the last time it crossed his mind until Jake called him.

Andy didn't sleep a wink that night, tossing and turning as thoughts of what could have been raced through his mind. Andy wasn't about to ask Jake to break up with his girlfriend though. There was no way he would be the cause of a relationship to fail.

He wasn't going to give him an ultimatum. The ball was in Jake's court, it was on him to make the next move. Andy couldn't lose Jake again. He's lost him in every other way, he can't lose this too. He couldn't choose this.

"Andy, you okay?" Andy looked up from his iPad to see Lonny standing there with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, what's up?" The older man replied, pausing the episode be wasn't paying any attention to.

"Yanni yelled for you a few times so I wanted to check on you." Lonny replied softly. He was such a sweet soul, Andy was so happy he had him around.

"Yeah I'm good. I didn't hear him." Andy said.

"No you're not." Lonny said bluntly, making Andy raise his brows at his bluntness.

"What makes you say that?" Andy chuckled.

"Your face. You've looked miserable ever since the break we had between the Ghost and Disrupt. What's wrong with you?" Lonny said, sitting down next to him.

Andy hadn't realized that it was so obvious that he was unhappy. That's lovely. "It's not important." He tried, but Lonny just stared at him.

"That's bullshit." Lonny huffed. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, but don't act like it's not important. It's bothering you to the point that I of all people have picked up on it." He said. Bottling it up was only causing more harm to Andy.

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