Walking Through the Forest 🥺

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Jake was sitting on the ground outside of his tour bus, plucking at the strings of his acoustic guitar absentmindedly as he hummed to himself. It was approaching one in the morning, and it was cold outside, but not unbearably so.

It was the first show of tour, and it went perfectly. The crowd was incredible, nothing went wrong other than CC almost falling off the drum riser at one point, but he was fine.
Shows like that reminded Jake of why he did this for a living.

It's been nearly a decade and a half of being in Black Veil Brides for Jake now. It was so hard to believe that it all started as a favor for Jinxx who insisted he give the band a chance because 'the band kind of sucks, but their singer is a star! We could make it work if we join!' The older man had insisted, and god, was he right.

Black Veil Brides wouldn't work without all of them, but it wouldn't exist without Andy. He was a scrawny, stubborn teenager with big ideas and the intelligence and talent to make it happen when Jake met him. Now he was a strong, confident man who proved daily that his creativity never ran out even after all this time.

Jake admired Andy's belief in what they were doing(or delusions as he would call it back when he first met the singer). Andy somehow knew deep down that they were going to make it, and he was right.

It was scary how a few years ago, they almost lost everything. They were so close to saying goodbye to this band, but Jake supposed the universe wasn't done with BVB quite yet.

The band was better than ever before in every way possible. Jake felt like he got his best friends back, and gained another along the way.

The bus door opened, but Jake didn't look up. Call time wasn't for another hour so he had time.

"It is fucking freezing out here!" Andy hissed, tugging his jacket tighter around himself.

"Its not that bad." Jake chuckled. "You literally grew up in fucking Ohio, dude! You've dealt with worse."

"LA spoiled me." Andy said as he sat down on the concrete across from Jake, and took a hit from his vape, looking up at the stars.

"Clearly." Jake smiled, shaking his head in amusement as he continued to play.

"Why'd you come out here?" Andy asked.

"Fresh air, didn't want to wake anyone up while I was playing." Jake explained.

Andy nodded, resting his hands behind him so he could lean back.

"What about you?" Jake asked in return, but seeing as Andy rarely slept on tour, the question seemed stupid.

"My anxiety is really bad tonight." Andy said calmly, blowing the vapor into the air after taking another hit.

That was another thing that was new about the band. They actually talked to each other about stuff. There were so many things that were left unsaid solely because none of them thought to say anything. Hell, they didn't know about all of Andy's health problems and his nerve damage until years after the fact and they lived on a tour bus with the man!

Now it was normal to talk to each other about everything. It was rare that the weren't talking in the group chat every day at this point.

"Yeah? What's going on?" Jake asked, his eyes filling with concern for his friend.

"I don't know, just the usual shit." Andy shrugged. "My ribs have been bad again so I had to start physical therapy." He said, picking at his nail polish.

"Oh shit, really?" Jake's eyebrows shot up at that. "How bad?"

"Well before I started PT again, I couldn't lift my arms above my head or laugh- or breathe for that matter." Andy chuckled.

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