You Always Walk Away and I Always Let You💀

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Jake has decided to just never leave his house ever again.

Was that a bit dramatic? Possibly, but it seemed like every time Jake went out recently, he ran into the one ex he never got over... so becoming a complete recluse just seemed like a good option.

Jake has been staring at his computer for the past ten minutes, trying to work one mixing a demo for a band he was producing for, but nothing was happening. No matter how hard he tried to focus, his mind drifted to Andy.

This was fucking ridiculous. Jake couldn't possibly stress that enough.

Andy's smile and scoff at his comment abouy taking a compliment had reopened a wound in his heart that he wanted to forget about- or was that wound ever healed in the first place? Jake has spent the last month and a half thinking about and reliving a relationship that ended nearly a decade ago.

That didn't sound very healed at all, but again. Jake didn't want to think about that.

Andy seemed happier, even with the obvious discomfort of being around his ex. Jake could still tell he was in a better place. He looked healthier too, it seemed like he was taking better care of himself than he had been when they were together.

Jake glanced at his phone, still open to spotify. He had Andy's spotify pulled up, the Shadow Side waiting to be played, but Jake couldn't bring himself to click on it.

He knew it was good. It was Andy. He remembered the band Andy had been in when they first met, all the demos he would play Jake, the lyrics and drawings he had scribbled into a spiral bound notebook. Andy was an incredible talent...But that didn't mean he wasn't terrified to listen to it.

Jake didn't know for sure that there were songs about him on the record, but the way mutual friends would hesitate talking about the record in front of him for months after it came out made it pretty clear that there were at least a few.

He looked at the phone again, the black and white photo of his ex practically glaring at him, and he couldn't ignore it anymore. With a heavy sigh, he hit play.

The first song was Homecoming King, and it was... amazing to say the least. The song built and grew to a massive orchestral rock piece with Andy's powerful vocals leading the charge. He recognized the bridge vaguely, so Andy must have showed him the lyrics or had a demo for it.

Definitely not about him though, thank God.

The next was We Don't Have To Dance, that was one song that he had a difficult time avoiding. He was proud of Andy for having a song do that well, but having your ex's voice on your radio every time he turned it on for what felt like a lifetime wasn't fun.

The lyrics made him laugh. They were so unbelievably Andy. He could see why it did so well, it was so fucking catchy.

Then Ribcage started playing.

"Nothing left, now I'm feeling numb and just like you, I couldn't love someone. There is no one, I can belong to."

Jake sat there, staring at his phone. Ow.

That was the most intelligent response he could form in the moment.

"Take you out, never bring you back again, back again, back again. Can't recall how we lost our innocence, innocence."

It shouldn't surprise him that Andy was this hurt after the breakup, but the venom in his tone as he sang each word drove home just how badly he had taken it.

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