Matthew Fucking McConaughey 💀

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Weddings were a beautiful thing, a celebration of the union of two souls, making a pact to love and cherish one another 'til their dying breath. All who attended feeling the privilege of baring witness to such an event...

Unless you were woefully single of course.

Jake stood next to the punch bowl, sipping on his drink as he watched the bride and groom slow dance for the first time as husband and wife.


Okay, it wasn't disgusting, but it still made Jake want to gag. One of Jake's buddies that he had been in a band with years ago was getting married, and invited him. Unfortunately the wedding fell a month after a nasty breakup with his now ex-girlfriend, Tori... who happened to be one of the bridesmaids at this particular wedding.

Jake still came of course, he sat through the ceremony, clapped when appropriate, smiled like he wasn't dying inside, and joined in on the festivities.

This truly sucked, but Jake wasn't going to let his own personal troubles effect anyone around him- especially the bride and groom.

Jake wasn't exactly a romantic on his best day, he didn't buy into the whole 'true love' bullshit at all, so add that with dealing with a cheating ex? Jake was fucked to say the very least.

"Hey, buddy!" Jake turned to see his friend, CC walking towards him with a bright grin. His jacket was already gone, and his tie was hanging undone around his neck. It was a miracle the suit lasted that long if Jake were being honest.

"Hey!" He replied, pulling the older man into a brief hug, patting him on the back.

"Great wedding, right?" CC said, stepping away. He had a bottle of beer in his hand, clinking it against Jake's glass.

"Oh yeah, beautiful." Jake nodded, hoping he sounded sincere.

"Look at those lovebirds!" CC grinned, pointing at the couple on the dancefloor.

"Adorable." The younger man replied through a tight smile.

They were a cute couple, and clearly deliriously happy. Which of course only added to Jake's misery.

Maybe he shouldn't have stayed for the reception? It was a massive wedding, no one would notice if he slipped out the back. Hell, he doubted that anyone really even noticed he was there in the first place.

"There's a lot of people here, holy shit!" The drummer said, looking around at the mass of attendants.

"Taylor and Beth have a lot of friends and family." Jake agreed, leaning back against the table.

And today he wished he wasn't one of them.

He was well aware of the fact that he was being ridiculous, but he was in the mood to wallow, and being at a celebration of love and unity wasn't exactly his first choice. It wasn't like he could've said no to coming, what would he have said?

'Hey, I can't come to your wedding because your bridesmaid cheated on me and I'm still pissed about it.'

Yeah, no.

As far as he knew, no one outside of Jake's closest friends were aware of the reason for their breakup, and honestly, Jake didn't care enough to tell everyone, he's just trying to avoid Tori like the plague.

"Her hair looks like shit red." CC hummed, nodding towards Jake's ex.

Jake snorted at this, shaking his head. He wasn't wrong. It looked better dark, but Jake didn't really care, if anything, her looking like shit made him feel better about matters.

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