So are You Guys Back Together Yet? 💀/🥺

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"What do you think of this one?" Andy asked, kneeing across the bed to sit next to Jake, and held out his notebook.

Jake took the book in his hands, his eyes scanning over the lyrics. "You're so incredible at this, how do you do it?" He asked, truly in awe of his lover's talent.

Andy shrugged, laying his head on Jake's shoulder. "I could ask you the same thing about all the shit you're good at, I'm just a good writer and a vaguely okay singer." Andy joked, turning his head to press a kiss to the side of Jake's throat.

Jake hummed, kissing the top of Andy's head. "You're more than an okay singer, angel." He chuckled, nuzzling into his soft hair.

Andy lifted his head, smiling at Jake before he leaned in to kiss him softly. "I love you." He mumbled.

Jake smiled into the kiss. "I love you more." He replied.

"Nope." Andy argued, moving to kiss down Jake's neck.

"Yep." Jake chuckled, tilting his head to the side.

"Agree with me and I'll suck your dick." Andy said, meeting Jake's gaze with a shit eating grin.

Jake stared at him for a few beats. "Okay, you love me more." He said, smiling when Andy laughed.

"Jake!" Jake looked up to see Cory standing there, staring incredulously at him. "What do you want for lunch?" They asked, and based on their tone, they had already asked the question more than once.

"Oh uh..." Jake thought, checking the time. "I have someone coming in a few minutes, I'll eat later. Thanks though." He said.

Cory shrugged, hopping off their chair and grabbed their leather jacket. "Suit yourself, man." They said before they walked down the hall.


Andy struggled to put the keys of his rental car in his pocket as he texted John and Blasko to let him know he had arrived and balanced a water bottle and his vocal remedies in the other hand.

Working with new producers on such short notice always made him anxious, but John said nothing but good things about the mystery guy.

John hadn't given him a name, and the address was unfamiliar to Andy, but he was fairly certain that the guy probably wasn't a serial killer since John talked like he knew the man super well.

He knocked on the door, waiting for a few beats until an attractive person with messy black hair, and bright eyes opened the door.

"Hey, you the guy John Feldmann sent?" They asked with a thick accent that Andy couldn't quite place.

"I am, are you the producer I'm working with?" Andy replied.

"No, I'm just a sound engineer, J is in here. I'm Cory by the way." They introduced themselves with a smile, waving Andy in to follow them down the hall.

"Its nice to meet you, Cory. I'm Andy." Andy smiled.

"He's right in there. I'm gonna grab lunch, you want anything?" Cory asked.

"No thank you." Andy said.

"Okay, I'll see you later, Andy." Cory said, spinning on their heel and walking off.

Andy pushed the door open, and heard the familiar instrumental track to his song playing.

"Hey, I'm all set up if you want to just-." Jake cut himself off as he turned in his chair, gaping at his ex boyfriend.

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