Part 4~

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( outfit inspo)

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( outfit inspo)

' Hey get your own!' - Ty

' but I left mine at home , please Ty!' -Ta

' No!' -Ty

God , first thing in the morning and they are already shouting. I closed my eyes for a moment until the teacher began talking

' Alright , everyone start filing into the bus. We're getting ready to leave for Savannah in T minus five!'

I climbed on the bus , trying to find an empty seat . There was one next to Logan ; he looked at me and then the seat , moving over so I could sit down.

' Thanks, I didn't want to be stuck next to a rando for the rest of the bus ride.' - Y

' No problem , I feel the same.' - L

He rubbed the back of his head , chuckling. He seemed more comfortable than yesterday , good.

' Okay everyone, I'm sure you already know, but I'm going to go over today's schedule one last time. It takes eight hours to get to Savannah. In about four hours around noon, we will stop to get something to eat. Once we get to Savannah , you and your groups will have two hours to eat, go on tours , look at historic monuments , explore the area , goof off etc. After , we'll all meet back at the bus and head to the motels. Everyone who has a phone has added Mr Lee's , Mrs Sarah's and my number , correct?'

Everyone shouted yes , I pulled my knees up to my chest , leaning on the side of the bus.

' Alright , then let's get this show on the road!'

Logan pulled out a book , he seemed very interested in it.

' Whatcha reading?' - Y

I peaked over to the front cover ,

' A book about astrology , I quite like learning about it ; I find it pretty interesting..' - L

' Same , I especially like lunar eclipses, I think they are beautiful.' - Y

' You like astrology too? When I'm finished with this book , you could borrow it if you like?..' - L

He looked nervous to ask but I gave him a smile and nodded my head ,

' Sure , thank you.' - Y


The bus ride went way quicker than I was expecting. Eight hours later and we had finally made it to Savannah. Ashlyn stood up , stretching , every bone in her body cracked and popped . I felt the pain , my back and knees cracked as I stood up.

' Alright , everyone don't go too far , make sure to be back here by five , and if anything happens call us immediately!'

We all started to walk away , me and Tyler both staring at our phones as we decided what we wanted to do. We all went for some food first , sitting at a booth.

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