Part 12~

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'Mom, dad?'-As


I pushed Aiden and Tyler through the door, they were bickering about something again. Do they ever stop? We all sat in the living room as Ashlyn went to talk to her parents.

I sat back on their couch, woah this was comfortable. I don't think I've actually been able to sit on my own couch in years so this was definitely a missed feeling. Ashlyn's parents soon joined us , carrying a large platter of food. Aiden dived straight for it, grabbing a sandwich and eating it like a barbarian. Jesus, does this kid get fed at home?

All of us looked at him in disgust, he had no manners whatsoever.. he finished his food, ending it with a burp. God dammit Aiden...

'So... what'd you kids want to talk about?' -Ashlyn's dad

'Oh-um... right.'-As

Ashlyn went silent for a moment, I don't blame her, one wrong word and her parents would think she was insane. She soon stood up however, standing in front of the lamp and holding up one of her braids.

'Do you... notice anything weird about my shadow?' -As

We could all see clear as day her shadow holding up nothing however it was a different story for her parents. They look at her confused , wondering why she was just holding her hair, in both real life and her shadow..

'Well-not uh... not particularly, no?'

We all looked to the ground , disappointed once again. I guess it really was just us in this predicament.

'Are we supposed to notice anything?

'Ah-no ,never mind. Forget about it. But, we do need your help.The thing is... Logan has been getting bullied . That's how he got the bruise on his cheek. I told him that you guys could probably teach him some self-defence but, he's a little anxious to learn on his own, so we offered to learn with him. If you don't mind, could you teach them the basics?'-As

'... I mean- I don't mind-'

'Me neither... sounds pretty fun actually. -But are all of your parents okay with that?'

Everyone's faces dropped as they realised they would have to ask. Everyone's except for mine. I didn't need to ask, considering I came home with bruises most days and dad would just add to them..

'Uhhhh...' the group said in unison

'Yeah - ask them first. I don't want any necessary drama from other parents when their kids start coming home bruised.'

'Got it, thanks dad.'-As

' No problem , trooper.'


I tightened the last screw , finally fixing the broken window on the bus. Tyler was filling up our water supply , Ashlyn was checking our food and everyone else was just tweaking the bus further for safety.

'Don't you think it's a tad ironic that we chose this place as our shelter because of the high walls, yet now we have to fortify those walls?'

'Yeah, well we didn't exactly predict that the phantoms could scale a concrete, thirteen-foot wall.'-A

'And we didn't choose it just because of the walls. We have various tools and materials here, there's an electric generator, and we're able to bring items we need during the day because my dad owns it.'-As

'And I do believe this is all our first times in this situation so excuse us if we aren't the best prepared. Unless, you've been in this situation before and you're holding out information on us?'- Y

'What? Of course not. I've never had a freak show like this happen, believe me you would know.'-Ty

'You voted just the same as the rest of us did to use the graveyard, so stop whining.'-A

'I'm not whining, just pointing out the irony. I'm still not sure it was worth all the effort it took just to get here.'-Ty

Thats right. The first nights were brutal, we were separated at first so we had to find a way to find each other again.


'So you want all of us to desperately run through town to get to this graveyard place whereas you'll only have to cross your backyard? Well isn't that convenient.'-Ty

'That's not what I was planning. I was thinking we could all meet up at this convenience store. It's basically in the middle of where all our houses are, so we'd all be at the same risk going there. Then as a group, we run towards the graveyard. I'll also be able to bring my dad's rifle for Logan when we meet up since he's weakest.'-As

I looked over to see Logan lower his head slightly. He seemed slightly disheartened by that.. I nudged his foot with mine, smiling and leaning closer to him, whispering in his ear

'I believe in you. I don't think you're weak, you've got the brains and technique to win any fight.'-Y

A light seemed to shine through his eyes as his posture straightened, becoming more confident.

'Until then, he'll have to use whatever he can find. So, let's take a vote. Is everyone okay with this location and plan?'-As

End of flashback

' Well, we're here now, let's just make the best of it and move on.'-Ta

'Agreed. Another benefit of the Graveyard though is that we're able to set traps around the area during the day as well.'-As

I just hoped that they would hold up, it getting worse , the amount of phantoms that surround the area are increasing. That could make it very difficult later on...

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