Part 10~

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What the hell?

We all stood staring at the lunch table, the same thought running through our heads. Ashlyn's shadow loomed over the table, her braids no where to be seen , a huge difference to her actually hair that still sported her long,red braids.

'Am I seeing this right?'-Ty

'Woah that's pretty rad-'-A

' Let go before I break your arm.'-As

'Ha.. another mystery...'-Ta

'This may have something to do with why injuries from the phantom dimension don't transfer over to our dimension.'-L

'Speaking of ,how's your side? Is it still hurting?'-Y

' .. it kinda feels like I have a rash and it's pretty sore. Like I've been doing sit ups or something. But it's nowhere near as painful as it was last night.'-L

'Yeah thats what it felt like for me.. it's weird.'-Y

'And what about you guys? What happened?'-As

'Ah-right, that. Ya sure you want me to tell em?'-A

Ben began typing on his phone, the words spilling out of the speaker,

'It's best to have these types of things put out in the open if we're going to be a team.'-B

' these types of things?'-Ta

' But I'm putting my earbuds in until Aiden's done.'-B

' Ight well, that's that then. He is right though, it's probably best to let you guys know before you accidentally set him off or somethin.'- A

'...Set him off?'-As

'Yup. But...'-A

His face turned into a psychotic mess, his eyes seemed to glow red as he plainly stated in a threatening tone,

'...this conversation doesn't go outside of this group. Understood?'-A

Everyone felt sweat drop down their face, a certain aura flowing off his words. It was clear he wasn't joking like usual, this was one of the only times I had ever seen him this serious.

'...okay.' Everyone said in unison.

' I don't think any of you have realised this yet, but Ben has anger issues. Like - extreme haha.Much worse than the half-wit or missy over there.'-A

He pointed his eyes, referring to me and Tyler.

'And... the reason also has to do with why he doesn't speak.Ben was in sixth grade when the accident happened. Or was it seventh? Anyway- he's always been a big guy for his age, and his size tended to intimidate people. Despite his appearance though, Ben was pretty timid. And more than anything, he loved singing. It was everything to him. However , because his appearance didn't match his personality, he started to get bullied for it. It didn't start out as bullying. The group of idiots offered to 'fix' him first. Offering for him to join their group and they would teach him how to fight. Once Ben refused though, that's when it started. They started to beat him nearly everyday. Afterwards the leader , Shane, would ask Ben to join his group, and every time, Ben told him no. Then one day , Shane decided to take things to a drastic level.'-A

Fuck. Just hearing this was brutal. Everyone else on the table was just as shocked and appalled by hearing this. And it only got worse.

'Shane strangled ben. Not with the intent to kill him, but just enough to damage Ben's voice box, because he knew that singing was something precious to Ben. Afterwards, Ben started spiralling into depression. And then his depression turned into rage. When Ben finally went back to school , he confronted the group. But even after he beat the ones who hurt him, he didn't feel any better. He didn't know what to do... to make the anger go away. So he kept picking fights. Even picked up street fighting. He stopped going to school, and he'd always come home late. His parents didn't know what to do , Ben had refused to go to therapy and would sneak out the house. At some point , a kid he fought turned out to have an older brother that had connections with a gang.'-A

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