Part 11~

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After school had ended , Logan walked up to me , he seemed terrified?

'Y/N?... uhm.. I'm really sorry to ask you but can you please walk home with me?..'-L

My eyes skimmed over him, he was shaking and sweating slightly. His eyes were glossy and seemed fresh from crying. His jumper shifted slightly at his neck and a dark bruise appeared on his collarbone. As I lifted my hand, he flinched , I gave him a reassuring look as I slightly tugged his jumped down to show a larger bruise than I had originally thought. My heart seemed to break slightly , this boy couldn't catch a break, between the monsters we had to fight each night and the monster he had to endure during the day, I didn't know which one was worse.

'Barron ,huh?'-Y

He seemed almost ashamed to admit it. He nodded nervously , looking down to the floor as he adjusted his jumper to hide it.

'I'm sorry , I shouldn't have bothered you. I'll be alright, I'll see you at Ashlyn's..' -L

He began to walk away , gripping his bag straps tightly, trying to cover his shaking hands. I quickly stopped him, gripping his shoulder tightly, not letting him move away,

'Hold on, I'll walk you , don't worry.'-Y

His shoulders seemed to relax as a relieved look flashed across his face. We began to walk side by side out of the school. He began to ramble on about something he had found interesting in science class today as I walked silently , listening to every word. He seemed visibly happier ,I had noticed in the past weeks, he seemed less worried when I was with him , it made me feel a type of way I hadn't before. Useful? No, cared for..

I closed my eyes as the sun seemed to glide off my skin , my shorts and top giving me the perfect breeze , cooling me to the perfect temperature. It seemed everything was perfect in that moment, but everything perfect has to be ruined.

Logan's voice began to quiet down into a mumble , huh? I opened my eyes to see Barron and his little group of shit bags standing in front of the school gates, most likely waiting for Logan to come out of school for another beating. Logan's face paled as he stopped walking, trembling in his place. It was as if you could see every thought running through his head. That all disappeared as I held my hand out to him, he seemed surprised by the gesture and wearily took my hand as I began walking again , pulling him along with me.

As we passed the group , Barron snickered.

'Well, it seemed I was right , she is your little girlfriend! What a joke. How could she ever like someone as pathetic as you?'-Ba

'I suggest you shut your mouth , wouldn't want your mommy to find out you're a little shit to your classmates, would you?'-Y

'My mom left you bitch, not like she would do anything anyway.'-Ba

'Ohhh that makes sense now!'

I clicked my fingers in thought as I felt Logan's hand begin to shake. I squeezed it tightly before turning back to Barron.

'She couldn't bear to see your face everyday, the constant reminder that she should have swallowed or better yet , spit you in the fucking bin where you belong. Or did I get it wrong? Did she leave because she's just as sad as you are? Is that where you get this from , are you a little mommy's boy? Aww how cute , I bet you were heartbroken when she up and left your ass cause she couldn't deal to have such a vile little boy as a son.'-Y

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