Part 7~

162 4 4

Present time

'I still think we should go back to Savannah'-Ty

'..Alright.Let's take some time to think on it again and have a group vote later tonight.Even though this the fourth time.'-As

' Why not after school?'-Ty

' Because we all have stuff to do idiot.' - Y

' Yeah I have ballet class today.' -As

' So what? Skip it.'-Ty

' Uh Ty... we have stuff to do after school too. You have baseball practice and I have a mechanics meeting.'-Ta

'I um... I have to help with the flower shop today..'-L

'See? Logans busy too. What about you Y/N?'-Ta

I paused for a second as everyone looked at me. I couldn't tell them, they would hate me for it...

' I have a thing tonight... sorry.' - Y

They seemed confused on what I was doing but they shrugged it off , continuing to talk.

'Even with what's happening, we can't just neglect school and our future. You need baseball, let's just wait until tonight-'- Ta

' We aren't going to have a 'future' if we're dead!'-Ty

' It's not just our future. If we drop everything to focus on fantasy-like events we can't prove, we're gonna end up in a psyche ward. Do you think that's going to make it easier or harder for all of us to have meetings during the day?'- As

' Shes got a point y'know. Generally we're what people would call ' crazy' - A

' Whatever' -Ty

He stood up and began to walk away , only turning around to grab Taylor and drag her with him. I felt my phone buzz and pulled it out my pocket, seeing a text from a familiar number..


' Meet me outside. Now.' - Brendon

' Whatever.'-Y

I sighed ,putting my phone away. The boss's words ran through my head,

'From now on , you do nothing to him alright? No fighting him, no shit-talking him, and if he puts his hands on you , keep it that way . Are we clear?'

' Do you value that little group you seem to have made? Huh? Cause if you do , you'll do as I say or they will get the consequences.'

I knew I had to do what he said. I can't let these guys get hurt because of me, especially Logan... I had grew quite attached to him and I would protect him at all costs. I stood up , getting ready for the beating of my life..

' Sorry guys , I have to go ,I'll see you tonight yeah..' -Y

They must have noticed my shift in attitude as they looked at me concerned,

' You alright Y/N? You look a bit pale, where are you going?' -L

' Nowhere I'm fine , just have some homework I need to do for next lesson!' -Y

I tried to give a forced smile, but it didn't work , they seemed to take it as a sign that I didn't want to tell them and left it. I began walking to the back of the school, where I knew he would be.

I groaned silently as I saw him and his friends leaning on the wall. I took a deep breath before walking over to him.

' What do you want.' -Y

' Now thats no way to speak to me is it? I could tell boss~'-Br

He was fucking with me, obviously boss had told him about our conversation..

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