Part 5~

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' I'm going to tie the door to the pole over there.' - As

I pushed the pole in slightly, it creaked as if it was going to snap. That wouldn't hold..

' Two weak strings and a shabby pole?! Yeah like thats gonna keep it closed!'- Ty

' We have to try!' - Y

' Go! Go now!' - As

As Ashlyn shouted , the creatures began scaling up the building; crawling towards us. I felt Logan grab me by the hand, huh? Usually it was the other way round. We began running back to their hotel room, leaving Ashlyn, Ben and Aiden behind to tie the door closed. We got to the room as Tyler fumbled with the keys , trying to get them into the lock.

' Hurry Ty ! They're coming!' - Ta

I turned to see one of the things , perched on the side of the balcony , staring at me. I began slowly walking backwards , trying to buy them time to open the door. It followed , slowly creeping along the railing. I was backed up against a wall as it sprung to the corridor to the right of me.

Think. Think . Think!

An idea popped into my head. It was risky but if it worked we would be safe until Tyler opened the door. I looked back at it as it began racing towards me, I sprinted forwards , the group screaming as they thought I was bringing it right to them.

' Y/N! Quickly it's right behind you!' Ashlyn screamed as they finally got the door open, all of the rushing inside but staying within view of me. They all looked terrified but I had hope this would work.

As I was coming up to a pipe on the side of the balcony , I pushed off on my right foot , leaping off the balcony ; the creature following. I heard the group shout in concern. However instead of falling, I quickly brought my hands up, catching the pole and swinging myself back onto the balcony , watching as the creature fell to the parking lot floor ; it's neck snapping.

I looked to my right to see a herd of them running towards us as I was pulled into the room by Ben and Ashlyn. The door slammed and locked ; the only noises were heavy breathing and the scratching of their claws on the door.

' We should... put the couch up against the door..' - As


We all sat on the living room floor shaking as we tried to figure out what was happening. My shirt was torn and the cut leading from my face to my chest stung. I kept my head back on the wall , trying to ease the pain but nothing worked.

The others seemed to be arguing about something but all I could hear was a deafening ring. Was it from blood loss or just shock from what just happened? My eyes started to close as the drowsiness kicked in. It went silent,

' Y/N?...' - L

I hummed in acknowledgment,

' Oh thank god! I thought she was dead!' - Ta

I shook my head ; which only caused me to wince as the pain came back even worse. Ben walked over , carrying a first aid kit. He nudged my arm ; making me open my eyes , motioning to my injury.

' Yeah go ahead..' - Y

I could see the others turn away as I removed the rags of my shirt , allowing Ben to clean me up. I bit my tongue as the disinfectant burned into my skin, trying to not react. He bandaged me up , leaving my face and putting a large bandaid over my nose. I noticed Logan walk away towards a different room; hearing him shuffle around. He returned with a green jumper , handing it to me,

' H- here ... cover yourself up..' - L

He still looked away , his face red as I took the jumper off him , hissing as I lifted it over my head .

' Thank you, I appreciate it.' - Y

He took that as a signal to look back at me , seeing that I was now covered. He sat next to me , sighing in defeat.

Ben sat beside Aiden again, the boy noticing Ashlyn's bloody arm,

'Hm? Your arm is scratched up to? I thought I got you out of the way in time?' - A

' ... you did . I think this happened at the Sorrel Weed house.' - As

Wait? She knew about this beforehand? Why didn't she say anything?!

' You mean you knew it was real and didn't think to mention it to any of us?!' - Ty

Here we go , another fight...

' You're the one who left before I even had the chance to say anything. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't think it was real. And right now isn't exactly a good time to talk about it, we should be coming up with a plan or-' - As

' And why should we listen to anything you say? This is all probably your fault in the first place.' - Ty

' Alright, fine.' - As

Shit, here we go.

' I get where you're coming from. Maybe I should have said something. And if blaming me helps you deal with the situation better , so be it. ' - As

We all froze as Ashlyn grabbed the front of Tylers shirt, pulling him close in a threatening manner,

' Hey what are you-!' - Ty

' But if you aren't going to make yourself useful, make yourself scarce. Playing the blame game and figuring out what's going on can come after we are safe enough to talk it out. The facts are those creatures can kill us at any moment. Instead of arguing, our time is better spent coming up with a plan. So unless you are going to help me do that, keep your trap shut and don't cause trouble.' - As

She let him go as she turned away , walking around the room ; looking for something.

' Well that was unexpected.' - A

' And you need to stop taking this so lightly!' - As

' Aye, Aye !' - A

Can this kid ever be serious?

' we need weapons and materials, so let's gather up everything in the motel room and sort through what we can use.' - As

We all left to try and find something to defend ourselves with. Hopefully it would help..

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