002. The first of us

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Chapter 2: The first of us

Almost dying isn't the biggest worry when you're so close to getting eye bags. But thank god that god loves you enough to not give you any.

You would have thought at this time of the day, all the students would be lively and loud.

The cafeteria was full of chatter from teens sitting at their tables to some lining up to get their meal. While a certain group looked like they were about to drop dead in their seats, the silence was already killing the atmosphere. Some chew on their food, some don't even eat, and some just play around with their food.

It was the perfect time to converse with each other, but no one dared to speak a word.

Vera as expected was eating a packed home meal, because in her words "it saves me money" but also she prefers her mother's food than whatever was served in the cafeteria.

Looking beside her she then lightly hit Aiden's shoulder giving him a face to make him stop playing with his food.

Ever since Ashlyn met Aiden in the bus she crowned Vera to be her personal divider from the blonde, Vera didn't mind at all. She was used to this since they were kids, Ashlyn would be the person designated by the window seat and Vera would get the aisle seat. This was always how it was with the two, Ashlyn left the communicating part to Vera and Vera was always happy to do what she can to lessen any of Ashlyn's socializing worries.

Vera even got a late night call from Ashlyn after the first time the two met as Ashlyn cursed the fact that Vera needed to go to school early now while she was in this predicament. And in good old Vera fashion, she had just laughed and reassured her childhood friend that things will be fine and that the guy was just trying his best to socialize with people in his own little way in which Ashlyn just groaned.

And in Ashlyn's words: "You have no right to tell me everything will be fine when a chaotic dork like you can handle that."

Though it warmed her heart to see her friend being comfortable enough to call her this late. Her ego was also deflating at the mention that she was anything like a dork.

She wasn't, she swears!

Leave it to Ashlyn to keep Vera's confidence in check.

-which Vera is very grateful for!

And here they were, sleep deprived with bags under their eyes and the high school life before wasn't as important as it used to be. Now they were worrying more about things teens like them should ever be worrying about. Like not dying.

To think last week Vera was worried that she chipped her nails in her sleep.

"I think we should go back to Savannah."

All eyes were now on Tyler- well except for Ben who still had his head down.

"I thought everyone agreed it was too dangerous...?" Logan spoke anxiously, averting his gaze then returning it to the group.

Miss student relations officer, Vera, had very few interactions with Logan. A half in polite greeting and the other half in dealing with his bullying cases. She was much happier to see Logan be able to branch off from his bullies. Even if he was still quite shy and still had a stuttering problem, his progress was to be praised.

"So what? We're supposed to let things stay like they are?" Tyler spoke with more aggression in his tone, while Taylor beside him awkwardly looked down as she placed her hand on her brother's back.

With that a back and forth between more than one party started. Whilst Vera, try as she might, was trying not to let her face do an emergency crash landing on the table. And frankly she was in no mood for this discussion.

Well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions. Should've slept more months ago if I knew that this was going to happen. Curse you Stardew Valley.


Tyler's particularly loud remark caused quite the eyes to be placed upon the group. And in turn Vera gave a diabolically, wide eyed, side eye of either disappointment or of absolute misery. But as fast as the reaction came she straightened herself up and looked at Tyler like a soft-hearted mother trying to pull her son away from his playtime.

"Tyler... Tyler maybe we should put the volume down for-"


"-our now non-existent dignity..."


With every word Vera looked at everyone at the table to those watching them. As she kept the smile on her face as if it would do much but her very concerningly wide eyes gave way to her real thoughts on the situation.

She almost wanted to reach her hand out to the person scooting away from them with hypothetical tears in her hypothetical scenario in her head.


None of them have in fact slept. And they have almost died multiple times, yes. But the motion of them lacking sleep was Vera's major concern. Because her eye bags could be showing. And she could only thank God for not allowing her eyes to carry such heavy baggage.

She was too hot to have eye bags. But some people think that it's hot, I digress.

"Tyler please calm down-"


Then a loud bang suddenly startled everyone. And thankfully Tyler's particularly loud rant ended, all thanks to none other than Ben. Who was not the strongest soldier and was slewed by the temptation of sleep.

But had awakened to shut someone the fudge up. Well we all knew he would.

In quite literal jaw dropping awe. Vera had seen the display and immediately branded Ben as a very quiet yet cool guy. Ben even did the "shush" gesture. How cool indeed Vera.

Now a very startled Tyler was staggering down to sit. He wanted to retort or even insult towards the offending person who made the offending sound. But instead chose not to.

Finally, with a sigh Vera spoke with hands resting her chin and looked ahead.

They were kids. They didn't need to have to fight for their right to live.

"This whole cycle started in Savannah. Maybe it'll end there too." No one could see Tyler's face at that moment. But if it hinted at anything else looking at his clenched hand. It was a dead give away to Vera.

"And maybe it won't. Tyler, our safety matters most at the moment. Making it worse or coming back with nothing isn't going to help our situation."

"Then what else are we supposed to do?"

But there was all but one question hanging in the air but no one seemed to address it. Who needed to anyway? Everyone knew it.

"Should we risk it?"

Hi y'all I'm back!

Sorry if the chapter's short the brain was just not juicing enough like your mom's tit/j

Just kidding (I'm deflecting and not believing I haven't updated in a while)

Fun fact: Vera's favourite fictional character is Jason Grace!

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