006. He's cute

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Chapter 6: He's cute

Why does making decisions exist?

Sleepovers were probably the most normal thing to happen between Vera Jackson and Ashlyn Banner. So much that they practically treat their friend’s house as if it was their own. Knowing each room, where to get the junk food and being able to leave clothes and borrow them from each other.

Vera was on her way to the Banner’s house, walking on foot and coming back from training. Passing by the familiar houses of families she indefinitely didn’t know but it was a nice thing to see everyday, she checked her phone for messages coming from the student council, her school organization, or from the Banner family.

Scrolling through the array of notifications that were mostly ads or notifications from youtube with the mamma mia soundtrack on shuffle blasting on her headphones that Ashlyn had gifted her. It was a good distraction for her current dilemma of whether to choose to go on the trip or not.

She’s been having second thoughts since the moment practice at the dojo started.

She seemed to find that there was nothing important happening— and then she saw that her father emailed her. Opening it to reveal the informally formal email he had sent her

‘dear V,

Nak check if the door is locked.

love you,


ps. i wont be home tonight tell mama ill go to her workplace to pick up the house keys tomorrow’

At this point Vera had to wonder if her father was messing with her or if he hadn't actually added her number into his contacts. He had joked about it a couple of times but now she’s starting to believe it was never a joke in the first place.

Holding onto the sling of her duffel bag she decided to be a bit humorous today.


A blissful grin was displayed on her face after replying. She could already catch sight of her house. The colors were a standard white and gray, the house built like a modern farmhouse. It might be as big as the new house on the street. She even heard someone recently moved there. And from afar you could already tell the place was quite spacious and perhaps no one was home.

It wouldn’t be a surprise if that was the case. After all she went home earlier and to no one's surprise the house was empty. Then again it being too quiet would mean her thoughts would  be louder as she hoped her mother was home.

She had good advice on these types of things. And god knows Vera was indecisive and incapable of choosing what was really important to her.

Vera knew her parents were busy. Her mom works the night shift and her dad was doing business in Savannah. Their schedules don’t ever align yet somehow they were able to see each other even if it was only for a few minutes they still had the time for a hug and her parents never missed the chance to kiss their daughter’s forehead. So much that they’d wake her up just to do so.

Taking off her headphones and opening the little gate connected to the white picket fence then walking up the steps of the house, not even bothering to get her own keys the moment she was in front of the door. Vera was quite sure her father left the door open again, but just in case she was taking the keys out of her pocket.

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