010. Nosedive to hell

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Chapter 10: Down the steep hill

It's only the beginning of a fall.

"This is not happening."

"Sir believe me I didn't think I would be recognized—"

"Well you were, what now?"

On the other side of the line a man seemingly in his 40s was in distress, and that was an understatement in itself. His already slowly graying hair was being frazzled by his own doing that even the gel in his drawer wouldn't save his disastrous hair that looks like it's gone through three consecutive hurricanes. Even his eyes had heavier baggage than the TSA.

This hurricane of a man had much more to worry about than he thought he had to. Seems like his boss wanted to rain down on him a parade of suffering over papers and duties his boss himself should be able to do in a much shorter and efficient manner.

Get a promotion they say, the money's worth it they say, you won't need to do much they say.

My ass. Ricardo my friend, hate to break this to you but this isn't anyone's fault but yours but wallow in misery of your own doing I suppose.

As your daughter says: "You go girl."

"Are you at the very least sure that everything else that was actually planned came to fruition?" Ricardo spoke dismissively, completely different from his earlier demeanor who was now trying to fix his messy hair. With eyes looking down sharply at the files displayed on his desk.

"Of course sir. Who knew that girl had such a strong connection." Jasmine had a playfully bouncy tone in her voice as she looked at the plastic bag of takeout in her hand. She was itching to fold the sleeves of her shirt up, the only thing stopping her was her hesitance of being recognized by a certain someone. "Haven't seen anything like it in years since the St. Joseph incident."

Jasmine was well aware that her boss wasn't going to entertain any of her small talk that didn't contain some semblance to the job at hand but it was worth a try. "So sir," She at the very least wanted to remain on her boss' good side even if she was jumping between the lines of mutual respect and one sided hatred. "Want some takeout? Got some orange, not as good as your wife's cooking but it's pretty decent—"

"Jasmine, I want you to stay in Savannah for a little while longer." It was an abrupt order from her boss but Jasmine knew not to question him.

"How many days sir" That's what Ricardo liked. When people already knew what he wanted and acted accordingly without him needing to say a word. Dismissively through the line he checked the calendar at the upper left side of his now-messy desk.

"Seven days. Report to me after the week, make sure that it's viable and a promotion is in the question. Capiche?"

"Yes sir."

"What the fu—" Before Vera could even finish her sentence Ben had lightly nudged her shoulder leading her to stare at Ben with a mock of betrayal. While Ben gave her a look, as if to reprimand her for her almost foul display of language as if it was the first time this happened in this universe. All Vera could do was put her hands up in surrender and resignation for Ben to stop looking at her as if she committed a crime of some sorts.

The pair stood by the exit of the Sorrel Weed House Museum, refusing to leave unless the pair inside got out

With a sigh Ben looked up straight ahead but for only a short amount of time that allowed Vera to put her arms down. The two had a stare down for a couple seconds just standing and staring at each other letting what previously happened sink in. And not too long the pair's eyes widen .

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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