001. To have a friend

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Chapter 1: To have a friend

Losing sleep wasn't that bad, especially when your helping friends. But some friends like to lick the air.

Ever had that nostalgic feeling walking through a suburban neighborhood?

The neighborhood almost looked normal. The same suburban area with picket fences, a forest nearby, the same cars parked in front of each individual owner's house. Some houses were worn out, some looked brand new, and some look like they've gotten a new paint job. It was any normal suburb.

Except for the crimson sky.

Not a good thing. Nor was it normal.

Everything looked like it was supposed to be there from the beginning but the atmosphere suffocates anyone from just a whiff of the air. Every step in this almost hell-like place slowly takes your breath away, slowly bringing you to death without experiencing what it is.

If the suburbs felt like hell, then the woods must be the inferno heretics burn in eternally.

You could barely see light. The trees rustling almost drowned out any sound that you could ever make. The peace was uncomforting. Every corner felt like something was watching you. And you would be right to believe that.

And in this peace there were seven figures too lively to exist in this version of our world.



Rapid footsteps could be heard coming from seven teens who held weapons, weapons that people their age shouldn't normally have. Or ever have to acquire.

Well who could blame them?

A hoard of pitch black figures mindlessly chased after them. And unfortunately those things were aiming to kill them. Much more unfortunate for them because those nightmare inducing creatures were getting too close to them

But fortunate enough for them. In the distance they caught sight of-


A school bus graveyard. Complete with a barrier and a gate made out of thick metal, even better just one push of a button you could close off everything and anything doing their best to infiltrate the graveyard.

The seven hurriedly ran to the graveyard as the one leading had run in first and soon enough everyone else was in.


One of them, who was holding a bat with a long piece of sharp metal, drilled into the metal bat. Had screamed or more-so ordered in a state of panic. His name was Tyler, and now Tyler looked back while taking some time to stop his rabid movement before he brought his fist to grip onto his hair in his stress.

The last one to get in was a raven haired girl. Taking a stance, aiming her pistol at the creatures. Her hand had a wound on it and she was more ready to shoot at those hellish creatures. Making sure everyone was inside before fully entering the safe space herself. White voids surrounded a figure of black could be seen, before finally with a harsh fist onto the button. The gate closed.

Today was gracious enough to let them live. They slumped and finally let their guard down. Catching their breath as they heard the constant banging from the other side.

"Alright, let's head to the bus." The one you could say was the "leader" with twin braided hair, said still taking in huffs of air in. Finally they walked to one of the rundown buses in the area.

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