009. Our eyes don't deceive

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Chapter: 9

We are school bus graveyard unsolved

“I saw you a couple of times…Around my dad’s office… Jasmine was it? You know um… Ricardo Jackson?” Vera spoke hesitantly but quite sure of this woman’s identity. From top to bottom she was quite sure this was her father’s colleague or something. 

Though the only thing that was missing from her appearance were the tattoos and piercings. There was no denying it, but whoever this woman looked like she was irritated for a split second until it went away as fast as it came.

“Oh Mr. Jackson!” She spoke enthusiastically, too enthusiastic that it sounded fake. If this woman wanted to be an actor even if she tried as hard as she could, being an extra would be the only role she’d hit the jackpot with.

The only thing stopping Vera’s pretty little face from contorting into a distasteful look was her biting into her cheek while nodding.with a forced smile out of politeness. Everyone else could stare at the exchange in front of them.

“Yeah I’m his daughter, my name’s Vera.” She bit down on her lip looking directly at the short haired woman in front of her.. “I didn’t know you guys worked in tourism… I thought you guys worked in some facility…” 

“Well the company we work at is…” Jasmine avoided eye contact with Vera, she could only curse the fact this kid was just like her father. Her eyes darted everywhere until her eyes widened a bit and immediately looked back at Vera looking quite sure of herself now unlike moments ago. “The company we work at is a fortune five hundred company so there’s a lot of departments.”

“Uh huh.” Vera wasn’t really convinced, but if that were to be true it explained how she was allowed to be decked out in designer brands.

“You know what. Since your dad is our department head I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you going in for free, your friends included.” Vera didn’t even question the free tour, she was more focused on the fact Jasmine mentioned her father to be a department head? Last time he told her he was a director at some type of medical facility.

But before she could question Jasmine on all of this, Taylor happily and violently shook her arm. Looking at the woman who was offering them a free tour around a supposedly haunted tourist hotspot with her eyes twinkling in delight.

“This is the opportunity of a lifetime, it’s free.” Taylor spoke with a toothy grin.

Vera inhaled a sharp breath and checked the time on her watch. They still had time.

“Well, what are we waiting for?”

Vera hadn’t really listened to whatever Jasmine was speaking about during the tour, the only thing she could think about was calling her father to question him about a lot of things.

Until Jasmine’s phone had started to ring.

With keen eyes Vera gave Jasmine a sharp look while raising her eyebrow, until she looked down to see Jasmine’s phone did Vera’s jaw slacken.

A blue crane phone decoration. 

Vera’s suspicions were now at higher levels.

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