003. Vera the not-so-morning-person

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Chapter 3: Vera the not-so-morning-person

Being a morning person is fun until you have to read something. Oh and good vibes and bad vibes people exist.

If you asked Vera Marianna Reyna Jackson how she was doing two weeks ago. She would have told you that she was feeling fantastic

That will soon become the biggest lie life ever made her think.

It wasn't out of the usual for Vera to be extra early for school at all. She was in fact a morning person, who was forcibly made to be a morning person. Because her mother would wake her up before the sun had even risen to help clean the house before she had to get ready to go to school.

She was fine waking up in the morning and going to school extra early. What she's not fine with was being on duty to help at the registrar office. Which means she was the closest to instigating a fight with paper because her mind couldn't register a single word this early in the morning.

She had already cleaned the house, cooked herself food, did her hair and make-up by the ungodly time of five in the morning. But still she couldn't read a single word without having to come back to it three times.

Makes her question why she does the things she does.

Being on duty somewhere in school grounds was a requirement for the school organization Vera was in which was the school paper. It was a small school so staff at most were always short off. Years ago when Vera was a junior and was starting off as a member of the school paper, a senior of her's suggested to the school council that every organization in the school should at the very least help the staff since they were competent to juggle around duties.

Which led them to where they are today. Younger Vera would have been proud to know she was of use and was able to help the school tremendously, older Vera would lament about the lack of sleep yet she had only herself to blame for wanting this type of position. But Vera was still glad that this happened, it shaped her to be more responsible and with quotes "mature" as adults would say. Vera would deny the latter. But it was a bonus that this type of experience would look good on her college application form.

And she looked cute while doing it.

Thankfully enough Vera quickly got used to this arrangement. It was also a good thing this happened because frankly she got to know the student body and faculty much better. The better she knows the people she works with, the better she can do her duties in an  easier manner.

The tasks assigned to her weren't anything out of the ordinary.

Arranging student files by their last name And running around to distribute papers to faculty members.

There was a little twist on her usual duties today though.

She was told to be the one to hand out schedules. That and running around the building being the teacher's personal helper was her job for today.

Truthfully she would have cried on the spot if she had to do this alone.

Then she remembered this was better than being on duty in the halls. And her mascara was not worth wasting her tears on when she knows how much it costs. Though she would love to know who got a shoe stuck in the wall and obviously see it in person. It would be an absolute annoyance to write a report about it. She may never know who threw the shoe- but to make sure she'll ask Taylor about it later.

But as she was thinking of when she'll ask Taylor about the whole juicy high school drama, the familiar sound of the bell-like ornaments that were attached to the top of the registrar office door was heard.

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