005. Humanity in vanity

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Chapter 5: Humanity in vanity

Passion, sports, or academics?
But hey you're still gorgeous rocking with all of them.

Pushing around chairs made a horrible screeching sound and the more Vera heard of it, the more her left ear’s hearing would take a nosedive.

The noise made Vera’s head ache a bit more each time. Now in her seat in the tightly knit circle of chairs, she started rubbing her temples a bit. 

Thankfully their chairs were already arranged with her being between Ashlyn and Aiden. She now officially worked as a human divider that works twenty four hours a day with no pay but the feeling of being appreciated and of use to something?

Rummaging through her bag looking for the small first aid kit she had there for certain situations like this. She knew there was paracetamol in the kit after all she had just restocked earlier this week on monday. But through her peripheral vision she could see her friend’s scrunched up face in discomfort. Ignoring her current pain— which she’d argue was very mild! Bringing her hand onto Ashlyn’s wrist, she then gently tapped her wrist. The moment Ashlyn brought her gaze upon Vera the ravenette had a gentle expression on her face. With her eyes slightly more wide but not enough to be considered a leer having her lips curved in a small smile as she tapped on her left ear.

Ashlyn was all too familiar with this gesture. It was a reminder for her to put her ear plugs on.

As their other group mates were mostly staring at each other. Of course doing group projects was a blast. If you who you were working with.

Their classmates were much louder than them with the only thing that was remotely making noise between the group was Taylor doodling or scribbling whatever and Vera rummaging for the first aid kit in her bag. Seriously? Was that messenger bag the size of a black hole? Or was it just a woman working her magic?

“Our main focus this semester will be the history of Georgia’s oldest city, Savannah.”

Finally she found the first aid kit and opened it with a pop, while listening to her teacher’s words intently. Popping out the paracetamol from its metallic-like packaging, swallowed it, quickly opened her water bottle, and took a swig. 

“Additionally, there is going to be an overnight field trip to go along with the project! So you kids will be able to understand and research about your chosen topics.

Almost everybody didn’t hear the second sentence being too excited for a school trip this early into the semester. Especially Vera. School trip meant being outside of the city. And knowing the city was going to be Savannah of all places, she’d be able to get pictures of the well-preserved architecture and be able to sketch it and be able to study its design choices. Plus the scenery there was supposedly rich and vibrant, and it’s been a while since Vera had picked up a brush and a canvas.

They were after all in sophomore year and Vera wanted to be ready for what’s to come in senior high and most importantly college.

“Of course it’s optional, however those who attend can get extra credit for your individual grade.”

Those words were music to Vera’s ears. She could already taste the sweet, sweet ‘A’ on her report card.

“The trip will be next week, Tuesday. So don’t forget to get a permission slip on my desk at the end of class. It includes everything you need to know!”

Now that’s when the ravenette’s smile dropped. That day she had an outside school Judo competition and she was about to submit for an excuse permit later today. Sure, Vera was sulking due to missing the chance to get some extra credit. But she was more upset about the fact that she was going to miss a rare school trip.

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