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It was a day after the extermination and the Hotel was freshy built from the night before. In the middle of the battlefield lay Adam the first man's body, left to be eaten by cannibals. 

This would have been the case if Lucifer had not instructed the cannibals to leave Adam's body. Yeah, while Lucifer had years of resentment towards Adam, he would rather not see his old friend cannibalized by sinners. Seems a bit too easy of a let off for a guy like him. Instead, while the Hotel members slept, he checked up on Adam's body, so he would have a proper goodbye. 

What was supposed to be a final goodbye, soon became a new greeting as he saw Adam, who resembled the look of a sinner, looking down at himself in horror. "What the-" Lucifer said quietly, but not quiet enough it seems because Adam soon came back to reality when he sensed Lucifer's presence. 

Lucifer was expecting Adam to yell his head off about this but soon was surprised to see him get up and leave. "Wait- Adam!" Lucifer said frantically, Adam turned around, but just for a moment before continuing to go down the hill. Lucifer soon got tired of pacing after him and soon teleported in front of him and held his arms in place. "Let go of me clown!" Adam yelled, slightly teary eyed, while trying to get away from Lucifer's tight grip. He ultimately failed though due to his new form still being weak from awakening in a new environment.

  "What are you doing?! You literally just got here; do you know how dangerous hell is? You can't just wander off like that!" Lucifer shouted once more trying to knock a bit of sense in this stubborn imbecile. Adam though, refused to listen to reason, "I don't care what stupid lowlife sinners are like, all I know is that dying out there is better than seeing your face right now! So, get off!"

"Adam- can't you just stay with the hotel till we figure out what to do with you... I don't know how you're here or how you were reborn, but it could really help you and my daughter out right now if-",Adam  interrupted Lucifer's sentiment, "I don't care about helping you or your daughter out so just leave me be, I'll figure out what to do on my own." Without letting Lucifer get another word out Adam stormed off again, but this time, Lucifer didn't follow.

Who cares what happens to Adam anyways.
423 words

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