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It has been roughly 5 days since the extermination and the Hotel has a bittersweet taste in the air. The atmosphere rings of death and sorrow but to Charlie Morningstar, she can only think of what's to come next. Charlie awakened next to her girlfriend, Vaggie, who was still fast asleep. 

Charlie walked out of the room and looked downstairs to see what the others were up to. Angel worked a night shift, so he had the morning off. Husk fell asleep at the bar area and Nifty was cleaning windows. And Alastor, well, Charlie didn't know where he was. Nobody usually knows because he doesn't communicate with the residents often. 

But before she gets ahead of herself, she goes to the bathroom and gets ready for a new day! If the Hotel residents are gloomy most of the time, why not be one to bring a smile to their faces! It is needed after the death of their beloved friend, Sir Pentious and Charlie's childhood pet Dazzle.

Charlie won't admit it, but she is still down about what happened on extermination day. In her heart, she knows she could've done better. The only person she's talked to about her weighing heart is Vaggie, who comforts her every night by reading her bedtime stories about what it's like in heaven.

When Charlie is ready to go downstairs, she gets an unexpected call, "Dad? What could he want this early in the morning?" 

Charlie answers the call only to be utterly confused with her dad's panicked tone. "Charlie? Can I come to the Hotel right now, there is something that came up and I really need your help!" 

Charlie was shocked she could even make out her father's voice with the horrible screeching background noise. But after getting the ring out of her ears she quickly answered back "U-um sure dad!". Lucifer then hung up the phone. Charlie didn't know what was happening but rushed downstairs and awaited her dad's presence.

When Charlie makes it downstairs, Vaggie leaves her bedroom. "*yawn*, Charlie why are you running so early in the morning..." Angel Dust, Nifty, and Husk, who awakened from his slumber, perked their heads up to this. They also wanted to know what got Charlie so worked up.

"I don't even know myself, my dad wanted to come over, he said it was something urgent and-" before Charlie could finish her sentence a portal forms in the living room of the Hotel. Her Dad pops out holding what seems to be a harmed sinner.

Before anyone in the Hotel could question it, Lucifer flew up to one of the spare hotel rooms, leaving the rest of the gang confused with rising heart rates. 

Charlie rushes upstairs in panic to see what is going on. Her dad never seemed to care about the lives of sinners so why did he seem to care now?

When Charlie went to the room to check, the others followed and was in shock to see the face of the sinner. 


505 words

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