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Adam wandered in the streets of hell trying to keep a low profile. To be honest, he didn't know how he was going to find a place to sleep knowing his track record in hell, but anything is better than embarrassing himself by submitting to the freaks back at the hotel Lucifer's little cunt was running.

Why did Lucifer care anyways? He never seemed to care before when he was beating the ever-loving shit out of him.

After walking for about 20 minutes in this dumpster fire of a city he sat on the sidewalk to catch his breath. It was not looking good for him; he has been walking around hell for 20 minutes straight and couldn't find a single place to sleep.

Guess finding a place to sleep when everybody hates you is rather difficult huh.

While Adam continued to complain, an old sinner came up behind him.

"Hello there" "AHH WHAT THE FU-" Adam got cut off by the old sinner's cane on his lips. "No need for foul language, I've seen you sitting there for quite a while, what troubles you?" the old man asked Adam.

While Adam didn't want to trust some rando on the street, he'd rather do that than wander around hell for the next 2 hours without help.

"Um yeah...I just got down here and I have nowhere to rest, do you know if there is a hotel nearby?" Adam asked hesitantly.

The old man's face gleamed with joy "Oh, yes! I run a motel inside, do you by chance have any money on you?"


Adam didn't have shit, I mean, he just fell after all. Due to Adam's silence, the old man already had his answer.

"No? Well, that's fine. You can help with chores to make up for it, in the meantime, you should get dressed for bed."

Eww manual labor, but Adam followed the sinner to his motel anyways.

He received a small, but cozy room. It was very vintage though in its decor choices and it had a dated TV, but Adam could care less.


Life in hell with the old sinner has been cool so far. Adam helped with chores like cleaning up rooms and doing laundry.

Adam didn't have to do things like this in heaven because of his status, so it was another blow to his ego, but he owed it to the guy, so he didn't object to his proposal. Adam also figured out his name was Robert, so that's also cool.

But Adam knew things wouldn't be like this forever, nor did he want it to be. He needed to find a way to live on his own, but he was just so confused.

His thoughts always occupied his brain at night, "why did I end up in hell?", "why did heaven betray me?", and "how did I sink this low?" was most of the tantalizing questions.

Once Adam finished his chores he decided to go outside. The racing thoughts he had at night were now happening in the morning while he was doing his chores, what a pain. So, he thought some fresh air would clear his head.

He had a beer in one hand and his head in the other. He never drank alcohol much in Heaven besides red wine, and honestly, he now gets why, the beer was disgusting.

But he didn't want to think much, so he just drank his sorrows away. Sheesh, hell was so depressing that it rubbed off on him.

Adam thought a few times if he should go to the embassy Heaven placed in hell but never went.

Adam usually begged when he didn't get what he wanted but knew this time it wouldn't work. He, Adam the first and hottest man was now on the same level of a filthy sinner. Even the thought alone made him want to puke, or maybe the fact that he was on his 5th beer.

Damn, who knew such a bad taste could be so addictive.

While Adam continued to chug his beer, a sinner was fighting for another sinner's wallet. The wallet soon fell near Adam, and he decided to pick it up so he could give it back to the owner.

Yeah, big mistake.

The thief punched Adam Square in the face knocking him out.

All Adam heard while he was about to lose consciousness were the usual screams in hell, but it was accompanied by a loud knock. He also felt himself getting picked up? He didn't think much of it though, because by that point he was already out like a light.

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