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Alastor opens the Hotel door with the intent of finding Charlie.

The first floor was empty though, but he later heard the screams of the residents.


Alastor was confused, "Why were they talking about Adam? He couldn't be here, the picture show said that he had been stabbed to death by Nifty."

But with newfound interest in their conversation, he sent his shadow to spy on the conversation upstairs.

In The Spare Room:

Vaggie ran in front of the others with her spear in her hand, "What is he doing here?!"

Charlie puts down her girlfriend's spear and walks up to her dad with a stern look, "Yeah Dad, why is he here? Can you explain what's going on right now"

Lucifer sighed, " Charlie I don't know why he's here either, he arrived here 4 days ago and-"

"Wait, wait, wait. He arrived here 4 days ago!?! Why didn't you tell me dad?!"

Angel dust also intervened, "Yeah, you'd have to think not telling us the man who tried to kill us 5 days ago would be a bad idea."

Lucifer fully faced everyone at the door, "Well if you'd let me EXPLAIN~ I thought carrying him here would be a good idea because we need more information on how souls can be tainted or salvaged. Maybe our "dear friend" Adam can be some proof of the legitimacy of the Hotel."

Everyone thought about it for a moment and realized Lucifer was right. Adam coming back as a sinner was proof that the rule of divine judgement is not black and white.

"Wow! You're right dad! Maybe we should ask Adam some questions about divine judgment now that he has been sent to hell!" Charlie beamed.

Husk later interjected, "Woah woah woah, let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet. Even if that's true. Why did you keep it from us for so long. With how much ways our team has tried to convince sinners to stay here, information like this would have been useful maybe about hmm, 4 days ago?!" Husk added in his usual sarcastic tone.

Vaggie agreed, "Yeah it's cool we have a lead now and all, but why did you decide to keep information that valuable for so long?"

While Lucifer did have a reason, the reason sucked.

The main reason why he kept it back for so long was because be didn't want to get out of his room.

That's mainly it...

Well, and because he was hoping Adam would just die after insisting he could survive without him in his own home.

I mean Lucifer IS the sin of pride and stuff like that does blow his ego, thankfully Adam didn't even last a full week so Lucifer didn't feel bad about it anymore.

But even then he could've told the hotel, but once he is depressing in his room, there is not really much to get him out.

Lucifer paused for a long time instead of giving an answer. But before he could think of a lame excuse, Adam started to wake up.

Everyone seemed to forget the question they asked Lucifer and rushed to see Adam.
Adam's POV ( wow I actually changed the perspective for once):

I slowly started to open my eyes as I felt something very soft.

A bed? Am I at Robert's motel?

But when I fully opened my eyes I had a raging fucking headache, and to make it worse, I saw a bunch of faces that I never wanted to see again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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