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It was 4 days since Lucifer saw Adam in his sinner form and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

He didn't think a soul so strongly heaven bent could be tainted enough to be sent to hell. Especially considering how heaven pampered Adam so much, Lucifer just thought Adam was impervious to consequences. 

But besides that, this is good news in a sense. Maybe if souls can be tarnished, they can also be salvaged! Lucifer didn't know if Charlie's friend was still alive though. What exactly is the extent of salvation for a soul to enter heaven?

Another thing that weighed on Lucifer's mind was Adam. Hell, how would Adam even survive in hell? Adam said for Lucifer to leave him alone though, so he did.

But Lucifer would be lying if he said he wasn't worried. It honestly took everything he had to not look for him. 

Lucifer hated what Heaven turned Adam into. Adam was so sweet in the garden of Eden until heaven exaggerated his ego by saying how important he was for humanity. Then, he started being a total dick to everyone else in the garden, and ultimately, when he died and went to heaven. 

So, considering how much of a douche he is, he honestly deserves anything that happens to him, Lucifer thought. But even with those thoughts, he starts thinking about the old times with Adam. All the memories they shared together in the garden. 

Maybe hell could be a good thing for him? I mean, there is nobody really to hype his ego and he finally gets to do things on his own without heaven pampering him like a princess.  

After battling with his thoughts some more Lucifer decides to get out of his depressive state and go look for Adam. If he finds him, he drags him to the hotel, and if he doesn't find him then welp, Adam has it figured out and can go back to ignoring him for another century. 

Lucifer teleports out of his room and roams the streets of hell. It's dirty and tainted with the reminder of his failure to humanity. 

"Ugh, this is why I stay in my room..." 

After a few minutes have passed, Lucifer spots Adam... on the floor? 

That's weird. 

After processing it a little longer he saw a sinner punched Adam square in the face. 

Lucifer snapped out of his thoughts and flew up to sinner and punched them. 

He didn't have to do much since he was the devil himself, so the fight wasn't even a fight, and the sinner ran screaming in fear. 

Lucifer saw a purse on the ground and handed it to the other sinner. She thanked him and went back to walking down the street. 

But Adam was on the ground unconscious, his nose bloody from the punch. 

"Ugh I knew you weren't going to be fine down here-" Lucifer thought out loud while looking lazily at Adam.

But then he remembered that he never told Charlie that he was going to bring Adam back to the Hotel! And worse, Adam's nose was bleeding out a whole lot faster.

Lucifer frantically reached for his phone and dialed Charlie's number. 

"Charlie? Can I come to the Hotel right now, there is something that came up and I really need your help!"

There was still hell's usual screams and chaos going on though so it messed with the audio.

Charlie took a while to respond due to this, "U-um sure dad!". 

Lucifer then hung up the phone to help Adam's nose a bit. He took off his coat and put it up to Adam's nose, then he carried him in his arms and created a portal to the hotel.

Charlie and her friends looked confused when he entered, but he couldn't think about that right now. 

Lucifer flew up and took Adam to a spare room and looked around for a first aid kit. 

Charlie and her friends then ran upstairs to try to figure out what was happening.  And all screamed when they figured out the face of the sinner before them.


Yeah, Lucifer completely expected that reaction.

Explaining this is going to be a real pain.

705 words

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