13: Scar

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It was Xisuma that suggested the switch to quicker communication first, but I'm certainly grateful for it when it provides me with a space to rant about everything. The Blindfold; Cleo and Impulse; the argument with Grian and now a much less personal issue that I shouldn't be stuck thinking about.

Scar: How much do you know about a Hawk Officer called Cub. Cubfan Vex. His number was 135. He flew a VX_5. I heard the other day that he's dead. Is this true?

I wait, heart racing, for a reply to the question that's been on my mind for the last few days. Ever since I confronted Grian. Ever since he told me the hope of seeing my role model that persisted into becoming a Hawk was gone. and now paired with the ugly truth about the Hawks... it's like everything I've thought I knew is gone.

Xisuma: why do you want to know?

Of course. The 1 question I've tried to find a good answer for and failed. Why do I care about a random Hawk Officer, just because he looks cool in an old film? 

And then it comes to me.

Scar: He's the reason I wanted to join the Hawks.

Xisuma: really?

Scar: yes

Xisuma: Officer Cub died 2 years ago. A plane crashed into his house.

The truth finally sinks in. Tears blur the message, the final nail in Officer Cub's coffin. My chance of meeting him, gone. The chance of there being 1 Hawk I knew was good. Though I don't even know that. I'm just going off films that probably aren't that accurate.

Xisuma: I'm sorry

I stay staring at the message again for a moment, trying to find something that'll get me through it without starting to cry.

Scar: there's a parade next week that the Hawks are leading. I'm supposed to be leading the Hawk Fledglings when they pretend we flew our planes around instead of the Fighters.

Xisuma: I heard about that. Remind me where it is?

Scar: down central street. Aren't you going to be part of it? As the ex-leader of the Hawks?

Xisuma: Elex hasn't told me yet... he likes pretending I was never in charge.

Scar: oh :(

Xisuma: I know :(

Scar: but if you do come, I'm the one in front with the brown hair and a scar across my cheek. I'll try and look for you.

Xisuma: you should focus on pretending to fly a plane and marching. They shout at people who don't stay in line afterwards. 

Scar: really??

Xisuma: Hawks have to look perfect to prove the propaganda right. Anyway, are there any other details you know? What time will it be?

Scar: 10AM start. Some of the older Fledglings will become Fighters apparently! They're constructing a huge stage outside the city hall currently... I'll tell you everything after the run-through tomorrow evening!

Xisuma: Thanks! I'll look out for you there. And if I don't see if in the actual thing, I'll watch on TV. I can't wait to see how well you're doing as a Hawk.

Scar: :D

Xisuma: :)

The next day I'm sharing a virtual plane with Grian again. We haven't spoken more than we have to since the fight. Well... I haven't. Grian's been trying desperately to get me to pretend he didn't cause Cleo and Impulse's deaths and so much more. I wait for his signal to start flying. It never comes.

'Grian, can I fly yet? We've been here for 15 minutes,'



'A Hawk pilot and co-pilot should be able to trust each other completely. You clearly don't trust me, and because of that, I can't trust you.'

'That's bulls***, Grian!'

'That's protocol. We're supposed to be a team!'

'I'M not the one who snitched and killed-'

'Oh my- why can't you let that go for 5 MINUTES!'

'Because you're a MURDERER!' I yell. 'I was THERE! They tried to arrest me, Grian. It was TERRIFYING! They shot Cleo in front of me! Bdubs was just SCREAMING...'

'And if you can't live with that fact, then you'll never be a Hawk!'

The cold bluntness of Grian's statement takes me off guard.

'F*** you.'

'Every time you get into a plane, or stand in a parade, or do anything as a Hawk, you have to forget all your problems, your trauma, your grudges... You forget everything else because you can't be completely focused on your mission if you're thinking about something else. Do you understand?'

I can't reply.

'Scar, do you understand?'

Tears run down my face as I fight sobs. I hear Grian mutter a swear. The cockpit opens above us, he steps out.

And hugs me.

He doesn't talk, he doesn't listen to my questions, he just hugs me until I speak.

'Why did you do it?'

Grian pauses, stopping hugging me, but staying sat on the edge of the plane. He hugs his helmet in his hands, staring at it.

'Did you ever hear about Evolution?'


'It was a long time ago. Me and my friends... BigB, Pearl, Jimmy and Martyn and... some others, we lived off the edge of the city, an area called Evolution. Martyn decided to start a black market to get money. Not big. Just a small black market where Martyn sold goods. But then the Listeners came. It became dangerous. My friend Martyn, he was forced to cooperate with them, these rebellious people who didn't care. Until they fell out. And the Listeners blew up Evolution. Completely. And...' Grian swallows down tears. 'Jimmy and Martyn were taken prisoner by the Listeners. BigB, Pearl and me were taken to the Watchers for questioning. All of us were hurt. That's- that's where these came from.' He points one shaking finger at the scars on his face. 'Everyone else was killed.'


'That's what black markets are, Scar. Listener bases, targets. Places for them to gather and then kill. They've hijacked Hawk planes before. That's what happened to Southern Tower.' Grian pauses. 'That's how Cub died.'

My blood goes cold?


'A Listener hijacked a Hawk plane and flew it into his home. Him and his roommate were found dead. It wasn't long after I'd become an Officer. He was a good person. And he was killed for it.'

Xisuma already said a plane crashed into Cub's home. But now... It was the Listeners? The same people who attacked Southern Tower. The same people who...

'So... there were Listeners working out of the Blindfold?'

'I thought they'd just arrest them...' Grian stares at the ground, tears shining in his eyes 'I had no idea that...'

'Hey.' I take his hand. 'Grian, I forgive you.'


I nod.

'I forgive you.'

Definitely didn't make up that Grian backstory on the spot-

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