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People say time flies when you're having fun. Must mean you're having a blast, 'cause a whole month just zoomed past. Maybe it slipped your radar 'cause you and the crew have been non-stop busy.

During this time, you've been bouncing back big time, all thanks to Donnie's care. He's been taking you to the dojo for training sessions with him and the squad, even though you practice Aikido and not ninjutsu. Strangely, both arts complement each other very well, making the practice quite enjoyable and relaxed for both parties.

All these hanging outs made you two get a bit more cozy around each other. He's even chill enough to let you pitch in on his projects or experiments, as long as you keep your distance when he's messing with dangerous chemicals.

"What the heck, Dee?" You pipe up as soon as the guys roll into the lair, ditching your laptop.

He shoots you a hyped grin, dragging in the carcass of a kraangdroid into the living room, plopping it down with a 'thud' sound before proudly planting his hands on his hips. "This, my friend, is gonna be my next masterpiece!" He sits down on the floor and immediately begins disassembling the robotic body, eager to get to work.

"O-kay, when you told me you were raiding a Kraang lab, I didn't expect you to haul back one of their tin cans" You sit down next to him, eyeing the droid with mad curiosity, while the rest of the bros scatter around the room, doing their own thing. "What went down to make you wanna keep one of them?"

"I just—" His hands start doing their thing, and you sneak a quick peek at him, making sure he's not busted up anywhere. "Thought we could use some backup against the Kraang"

You furrow your brows when you reach his shell, tapping the empty sheath where his staff should be. "...Hold up, where's your bo?"

He grumbles in frustration. "Honestly, a simple wooden stick is no match for advanced alien technology!" He huffs, resigned. "It got shot by a laser in the last brawl, and that was the end of it"

"Man, that sucks... but it explains why you brought the droid" You sympathize, resting your crossed arms on the backside of Donnie's shoulders and leaning in to get a better view of his handiwork.

Donatello freezes, suddenly extremely aware that you are holding onto him. He tries but fails to control the blush creeping up his face, your breath tickling his neck sending a weird feeling through his body. 'Uh, that's a little close...' His eyes flicked to your hair, as it's a few milimeters away from his nostrils. '....What shampoo do they use? It smells nice—'

"So, what's the deal with the robot? You makin' yourself a new toy?"

"Y-yeah, kinda" He stammers, trying to shake off his train of thought. "This technology is light-years ahead of anything I've ever seen!" He flashes you a piece of gizmo he snagged from the droid, grinning like a kid in a candy store. "Do you know what this is?"

You just shake your head, chuckling at his excitement. "Nope"

"Neither do I! But I can't wait to find out!"

Splinter strides into the room holding a fresh new staff, identical to what Donnie had, clearly catching wind of the complaints.

"Look, Spike! Donnie got another stick to break" Raph jokes, giving his pet turtle, Spike, a little pat. It's kinda hilarious how the hothead is also a softie for animals.

Donnie tears his eyes away from the droid as Splinter hands him his new staff. "With all due respect, sensei, I can't keep fighting alien technology with a six-foot staff" He explains, hoping his old man gets it. "I was hoping to upgrade my weapon"

"Mmm" Splinter nods, lowering the staff with a grin. "A seven-foot staff. Interesting."

You struggle to hold back a laugh as Don shakes his head. "No, Sensei, I meant using modern technology"

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