EXTRA III: Leo's headcanons

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Remember: Headcanons are both current and future in the story. This headcanons are based in my opinions and perception of the characters.


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- Leo records how his day was in a manual recorder.

- Leo is afraid of needles and Raph is constantly teasing him about it. It takes hours to calm him down whenever MC even gets close to him with a needle.

- Him and MC bonded over their shared love for Space Heroes and fine tea.

- Leo sees MC as his little sibling (Despite MC being older) and will do anything for them.

- He's the most approving on Donnie's crush on MC (after Mikey, obviously), since he thinks they are excellent work partners and that they are good for each other. Plus, he loves seeing how his brother's face lights up when MC is around. He's convinced that if they ever get together, they would be a power couple.

- Leo used to make the others play cops and robbers in the sewers when they were little. Leo was always the cop and Raph always wanted to be a robber.

- When Leonardo was in a coma for three months, it was actually him slipping into hibernation, which is why he didn't need to eat or drink. He was badly injured in the winter time. Donnie made a heat lamp to put over him during the night, so his blood temperature didn't get too low.

- Leo will just go nonverbal occasionally because his vocal cords got messed up, and everyone tries to guess what he's trying to say because nobody thought of translating ASL with three fingers. MC and Donnie are pretty good at it.

- Leo wakes up a good two hours before his brothers in order to meditate uninterrupted in the dojo before morning practice.

- Leo loves to draw, but is hardly any good at it.

- MC often brings him Space Heroes merch. Leo couldn't be happier.

- After the tea party with the Little girl in 'Slash and Destroy,' Leo would sometimes sneak out to continue having tea parties with her. After meeting Leo, she insisted on having pet turtles.

- Leonardo didn't know the difference between a crush and admiration, so the whole time he just admired Karai

- He's actually an awesome guitarist. He's the most musical out of the four brothers and often meditates alone in his room with his guitar.

- He has a pollen allergy, and it makes for very uncomfortable springs.

- He tends to get weird cravings at the most bizarre times. Like waking up in the middle of the night and craving sushi. After MC learned how to cook, they had spoiled him with some of his cravings.

- He was sometimes jealous that he doesn't have any special friend or pet like his brothers. Once the Little girl finds out, she gave him a white bunny, who he named 'Usagi'. They often spend time together while Leo meditates and Usagi sleeps.

- Leo is secretly a fan of My Little Pony, being outed the time MC brought old toys for Mikey to keep. Leo immediately snatched an MLP figurine to add to his secret collection.

- Most people think Mikey can't handle sugar, but in reality it's actually Leo. He gets the worst sugar rushes, and it takes forever to wear off. Most of the time he'll crash in random places around the lair.

- Leo's the one with the most scars, since he's always jumping in front of his brothers and their enemies. MC developed a pomade to help them fade away

- He's uncomfortable with anyone using his T-phone because he has Space Heroes fan fiction saved.

- Leo once questioned Raph and Casey on them being a couple. After they beat him up, he concluded that this was not the case.

- If Leo was accepted by humans, what he'd really like to do is run a Hamato Clan Dojo: participating in competitions, with programs for kids, anti-bullying and self-defense classes. He would ponsor an anti-gang after-school program, and offer tuition discounts for good report cards. He'd turn it into a real, vital, respected part of the community.

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