FPE: Abbie's revenge

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This story changes from the part where Abbie gets cornered by Miss Circle. When Miss Circle swings her compass, Miss circle is unable to strike. Lana is tightly holding onto the pencil of Miss Circle's  pencil on the compass.

"What do you think you're doi-" Suddenly, Lana gets interrupted and thrown to the floor due to Miss Circles unmatched physical strength. Abbie is still incapable of recovering from the shock as he lies there watching what unfolds. Miss Circle impales Lana's skull, raises her up and bites off her arm, before dropping her corpse onto the floor again.

Abbie, remaining still, begins having vivid memories of his passed time with Lana. He remembers how much more shy he used to be before meeting her. She was the kindest person he knew that made his daily life much better. He remembers spending time with her drawing, eating, trying new things out and opening up about their problems. He realises that they could have stayed forever, if not for her untimely demise for something as insignificant as a school grade. Abbie feels as if his death would have been much better rather than her's, he just doesn't understand why it had to be this way, but nothing can be changed now.

Abbie covers his face with his shaking hands. Miss Circle, enjoying the misery she is causing for Abbie let's him suffer for a little longer, while slowly moving towards him. However, seeing this unexpected change, Miss Circle takes a step back in fear. While Abbie is still covering his face, his hands are starting to turn completely black and are extending, black claws begin crystalizing on his fingertips. He slowly starts standing up, while his hands weakly pull his hair. He is not even aware of the fact that those changes are happening to his body, however Miss Circle grows more tense by the second. Abbie begins growing taller, since the mysterious black substance is now crystalizing at his legs too, letting him get close to Miss Circle's height. A ribcage begins forming around Abbie's torso, and a few other plates form around his body. Miss Circle realises that Abbie might be a deadly threat to her, seeing him become so dangerous in so little time. She decides that now is the time to strike him, before anything else happens.

Miss Circle lunges at him with the metal spike part of her compass, but Abbie knocks it to the side with one hand and lands a blow in her face with the other. She gets flung and flies through the door and hits the lockers. Miss Circle gets a weak concussion, however she gets no time to recover as Abbie dashes towards her and lands another blow, this time targetting her abdominals. She coughs up a small amount of blood while the lockers surrounding her get destroyed from the impact. Students in the hallway see this and begin running away, telling others to do the same. 

She dashes to the side and begins running backwards while facing Abbie. He begins running towards her and in a blind rage starts screaming and violently throwing punches at her. She blocks some of the punches with her compass and sees that Abbie is full of openings, so she strikes his torso with her giant fist and knocks him back. To her surprise Abbie barely took any damage, his armor made of the mysterious crystalized black substance felt like steel. Miss Circle realises that she is outmatched and her only option is to flee, however Abbie manages to catch up with her and grabs her by her hair and throws her at a wall. He then grabs her two horns and pulls her head towards his raised and reinforced knee, which deals more damage to her face and snaps her two horns. She instinctively swings her compass at Abbie, but he catched it and it gives him an idea. He begins severing Miss Circle's compass from her arm with his claws, and the immense pain makes her realise what it actually is like to be prey instead of a hunter. She tries to knock him down with her other arm, but he completely ignores all the damage and eventually removes the compass from her arm and knocks her to the floor with it.

Lying on the floor in a helpless state, she reaches out her arm as a sign she wants him to have mercy. Abbie is nothing like what he was before, but she tried to push the idea of Abbie killing her to the back of her mind. As he gets ready to finish her off and their roles now switched, Miss Circle questions why she chose to become a teacher. Did she really have a passion for teaching? Or was it just a unique way for her to pass time and in the meantime, continue satiating her bloodthirsty urges? She did not have an answer for that. The spike of the compass pierces her skull and blood splats from the back of her head.

Once Abbie finally managed to kill her, he snapped back to his senses and realised what he had just done. He begins walking away from the body in fear and starts crying. He didn't want any of this, and now with the deaths of Lana and Miss Circle, he wishes that everything turned back to normal, that he had just studied a bit harder, so none of this would have happened. While intensely shaking, he slowly raises his sharp and bloody claws towards his neck. He stops when he hears a scream from not too far away and looks towards the direction of the scream. As the sounds of running get closer, Lana's good friend Claire and Abbie notice eachother, and they both feel afraid of what's about to happen.

End of chapter 1

I have ideas on what the next 2 chapters could be, however im not sure if i will continue writing this story, as it was just to find out what writing is like. if theres enough people who actually enjoy this story i might continue, although im not sure, since this story is just kinda extremely violent (could say the same about fpe tbh) and i dont know if its any good. in the end i did have fun trying out writing and i hope nobody will hate me for accidentally doing something awful. anyway thanks for taking your time to read my story, goobye

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