Operation Flash, Splash and Crash

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[Moments later, the Penguins arrived in the Shanghai Marine World aquarium.]

Skipper: So this is it. Shanghai's famous Little Dublin district.

Private: Skipper, look!

Skipper: I see you, Private. Who's the big boy standing on his tippy-toes?

Private: Wha...? No, I mean...

Skipper: I just want to eat you up.

Kowalski: Skipper, look! Above Private! Dave's next target... Shanghai's famous mermaid penguins.

Skipper: Good eye, Kowalski. And once again, you've proved that you are a meaningful and valued member of this team.

[Moments later]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, Shanghai Marine World is pleased to present our world-famous Mermaid Penguins! Tonight, our mermaids dedicate their performance to all the missing penguins around the world. Stay safe, little guys, wherever you are. And we hope you come home real soon.

Skipper: Keep those eyes roving, boys. Dave is a master of disguise. He could be a small child, a house plant, maybe even you or me! Is it you, Kowalski?

Kid: Hey, hold on. Huh? Ha!

Skipper: Wait a minute. Bingo! Nice try, Dave! Operation Flash, Splash and Crash is a go!

Kowalski: Splendid!

Skipper: Take positions.

Announcer: Penguin feeding time will begin in two minutes.

Skipper: Target, 30 yards and closing.

Kowalski: In position, Skipper.

Skipper: Rico, Roberto, report.

Rico: In position.

Roberto: Same here.

Skipper: For you, Private.

Private: Yes, Skipper!

Skipper: Here's your mermaid costume.

Private: What?

Skipper: We need a diversion. And, frankly, you're the only one who can pull off that look.

Private: But I can do more, Skipper. I want to help the team. Really help the team. If you think I'm ready, which I am. Assuming you agree. And perhaps even... if you don't?

Skipper: I like the moxie, soldier, but right now, I need a tail on that tush and the cutest smile you've got. You trust me, soldier?

Private: Aye, aye, Skipper.

Man: Hey, it's feeding time!

Skipper: Target, ten yards from flashpoint. Private, you're up. You just mermaid my day. Flash is a go!

Boy: Look, they let one of the mermaids out of the tank!

Woman: Oh, she's so cute.

Kid: It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Skipper: Shields up! Target is stunned. Rico, bring the Splash.

Rico: Yeah!

Dr. Octavius Brine: Huh?

Marine Worker: Oh, what are you doing out here, cutie? Come on. Back in your tank.

[North Wind Arrives]

Classified: Secure the mermaids and find me... David the octopus.

Kowalski: A little late, North Wind.

Skipper: Mission accomplished. High one! [They high one with their flippers]

Roberto: Awesome!

Classified: Corporal, take our prisoner... the one that belongs to us... into custody. What?

Short Fuse: You melted him?! You birds are sick!

Kowalski: He's going in through the pipes!

Dave: [Laughing]

Private: Skipper!

Skipper: Private? Private! You got to get out of there!

Roberto: No sign of Private.

Skipper: No, no, no. No, no, no, no. Private!

Private: Skipper! No!

Kowalski: Okay. Here we go.

Skipper: Move, move, move!

Roberto: Guys, what's going on back their?

Skipper: He's got Private!

Roberto: That's not good.

Skipper: He's getting away. He's getting away!

Kowalski: Skipper, the North Wind's plane.

Skipper: Sweet chariot of the gods! But can you fly it, man?

Kowalski: There's only one way to find out. No, I... still can't read.

Skipper: Then we're going off-book.

Classified: No! No, no, no, no!

Skipper: Too much, too much, too much, too much, too much!

Kowalski: I'm getting the hang of this, Skipper.

Eva: Pull off!

Skipper: Good! We're coming for you, Private!

Classified: Those ludicrous butterballs are letting David escape! Eva, secure transport. Short Fuse, Corporal, hitch us a ride.

Roberto: More like trying to recapture him!

Short Fuse: Fire!

Corporal: Go fetch.

Classified: Hold her steady.

Kowalski: Sir, Dave is pulling ahead. We are too heavy.

Skipper: Oh, curse our heavily cheese-dibbled diet! Rico, give me a West Helsinki fire sale.

Rico: Yeah, yeah.

Skipper: Everything must go!

Classified: What the...

Kowalski: That's everything, sir.

Skipper: Have you purged the chemical toilet?

Kowalski: But Rico was in there for 15 minutes!

Skipper: Just do it!

Corporal: No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Ship: Self-destruct sequence in five,

Skipper: No, Private!

Ship: four, three, two...

Skipper: Stay strong soldier!

Ship: ...one.

Roberto: Oh boy.

[The Ship Explodes]

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